Hearthstone Battlegrounds: Wheel of Yogg-Saron Explained!

Yogg-saron and his wheel

If you are a fan of Hearthstone Battlegrounds, you might have encountered a strange reward called “Spin the Wheel of Yogg-Saron”. The Wheel of Yogg-Saron offers six various modifiers which we will be discussing today. We will keep this article short, just enough so that you can understand how the wheel works in Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 8. Now, the wheel can be obtained by three different ways:

How to spin the Wheel of Yogg-Saron? 


As we mentioned, there are only 3 ways to get the Wheel of Yogg Saron straight away. The Quest that you might get from Battlegrounds Hero Sir Denathrius will trigger the Wheel of Yogg-Saron at the beginning of every turn for you. 

However, since Buddies are no longer in the game as of Season 8, Yogg-Saron Buddy, Acolyte of Yogg-Saron, is a bit more tricky to get. For example, you can use a spell to discover a random Buddy or you can steal it through /get an opponents minion/ hero and minion powers.  The most obvious way to this is by using E.T.C. Band Manager. Related to that, Sir Finley Mrrgglton power also gives you a (small) chance of getting the Band Manager’s power so there is that option as well. As you can see, this is not a very common thing to happen in HS Battlegrounds so we will keep things brief with this guide – let’s check what rewards you can get when you spin the wheel. 

Wheel of Yogg-Saron Rewards in Battlegrounds

Wheel of Yogg-Saron spining in Hearthstone Battlegrounds

There are six potential outcomes for Wheel of Yogg-Saron. Five of them have 19% of being triggered, and as you can see on the printscreen above, the smallest one, the skull-like reward, has the remaining 5%. These are the 6 rewards of The Wheel of Yogg-Saron:

  • Curse of Flesh (19%); A random friendly minion gains stats of another friendly minion (gains, not replaces!). 
  • Devouring Hunger(19%); Consume all minions in the Tavern and refresh it.
  • Hand of Faith (19%); Get 2 Random Darkmoon Prizes.
  • Mindflayer Goggles (19%); Steal all minions from the Tavern, then refresh it.
  • Mysterybox (19%); Make a Random minion in Tavern golden.
  • Rod of Roasting (5%); Cast “Pyrobuff” randomly to give minions +10/+10 until one hits the hero or bartender

Now, let’s take a moment to analyze these rewards. As you can see, some of them are pretty straightforward – such as Mystery Box (make a Random minion golden in Tavern). This can be useful but it’s really susceptible to RNG as it’s completely random. Hand of Faith is an interesting one and it can be powerful but only if you get it later on – Darkmoon prizes scale on various Tiers and the ones for the end-game are the strongest and game-changing ones. Mindflayer Goggles are particularly useful for Demon builds as they help out with devouring mechanics that Demons have. Devouring Hunger is pretty much just a one-time short buff but it has it’s usages, especially later on.

Finally, Curse of Flesh, has been reworked and is no longer a curse really, just a random buff that one of your minions will get. 

Rod of Roasting is a whole different story – it is completely random and it gives your minions plenty of buffs or simply hits you or the bartender and gives nothing. So yeah, this is a fun one but not really reliable. 

Closing Thoughts

As you can see, the Wheel of Yogg-Saron is an interesting game mechanic – but to be frank, not a particularly reliable one. That is the whole purpose of it – it’s supposed to be fun and the rewards scale greatly depending on how lucky you are. Since that’s the case, we will finish this article by saying: Good luck spinning the wheel, and may Yogg-Saron blessings be upon you!

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