Demon Tribe in Hearthstone Battlegrounds

hearthstone battlegrounds demon minions

One of the most interesting tribes in season 6 are Demons. Although not must have changed when it comes to their mechanics, it is still fun to see how they fit into the new meta. In this article, we will describe all Demon tribe minions in Hearthstone Battlegrounds; for more info on tactics, check out our HS Battlegrounds builds guide. Without further ado, let’s see what Demons have to offer in HS BG. 

Tier 1 Demon Minions

Picky Eater

picky eater

Picky Eater is always a welcome sight in Demon armies in Battlegrounds. Overall, this minion is strong early on (if you are lucky enough and it eats something that has high stats) and in mid-game (if you manage to buff up the minions in Bob’s Tavern). It’s a pretty straightfoward minion that you will use until you find something better on higher tiers. 

Backstage Security

backstage security

Backstage Security has been reworked and now serves basically just as a low-level support minion in HS BG. This means that you can take him on first couple of turns just so that you can boost your suppression power (losing 1 HP is not much compared to what you get). 

Tier 2 Demon Minions

Impulsive Trickster

Impulsive Trickster

Although Implusive Trickster has a great Deathrattle ability, rellying on it might not be the best course of action. In our experience, unless it’s a very niche game, this minion is to be avoided. Sure, it can be useful if you pair it with Titus but there are far better options in all game phases to go for. 

Mind Muck

A niche minion that is very useful later on, once the minions in Tavern are nicely buffed up. If you are constantly buying and selling minions in order to buff up your Insatible Ur’zul, Mind Muck is a good card. Keep in mind that one of the biggest challenges in all Demon builds is the lack of space so that’s why we say that this minion is not a perfect choice. Nevertheless, it does have it’s usages, even with Impulsive Trickster.  

Soul Rewinder

Soul Rewinder is one of the key minions in Heartstone Battlegrounds if you are looking for late-game Demon army. Simply put, there are many Demon minions that will damage your health – Soul Rewinder is there to stop this from happening. If you can, get it early on and see if you can find another key minion from Demon tribe; more often then not, this risk will be justified. 

Tier 3 Demon Minions

False Implicator

false implicator

False Implicator is one of the newest minions in Demon tribe. Although he is strong, the thing is that he doesn’t have a very good late game synergy with Felbat. Both of their abilities work in the same way meaning that there won’t be enough minions in Taverns for both of them to eat most of the time. This is why False Implicator has a limited usage and should be replaced as soon as you get Felbat. The other option is to go with Tichondrious and/or Ur’zul in which case Implicator can remain on the board. 

Fiery Felblood

Fiery Felblood

Fiery Felbat is a slow-paced, support minion that has the best synergy with Mechs in Hearthstone Battlegrounds. Simply put, it’s much more effective to boost magnetizations in the Tavern than Demons since the later don’t have any Divine Shield capabilities. If you are not opting for Mechs, sure, you can use him with your Demon army just be sure to sell him after a couple of turns and buy something that has more sustain. 

Malchezaar, Prince of Dance

Probably an all-time favorite Demon for most players is Malchezaar, Prince of Dance. The reason is simple – this minion very versatile and can be used as an economy, discovery or stat-boosting unit at the same time. Pairing him with Soul Rewinder means that there is no penalty for you when it comes to HP; on other hand, pairing him with Tichondrious and/or Floating Watcher means that he will be providing buffs as well. Malchezaar is a must have in all Demon Hearthstone Battlegrounds tribes. 

Slimy Felblood

slimy felblood

Slimy Felblood is a niche unit that works well if you have good economy and established defensive capabilities. He can buff up the Tavern minions which will be crucial for you if you go for any Felbat or Ur’zul comp. However, buying him withouth any established comp just because of his Battlecry is usually not the best thing to do. 

Tier 4 Demon Minions

Crafty Aranasi

Crafty Aranasi is good for one thing – he can provide support in mid game and take down Divine Shields or kill weak Undead units until you get something batter. The main issue with this Demon is that he doesn’t scale at all; on contrary, his effect only gets weaker as the time passes. 

Floating Watcher

Floating Watcher

Floating Watcher is a great addition to your Demon comp in Hearthstone Battlegrounds if you have Malchezaar on the field. The problem is that this minion works well only with him; if you don’t take damage in every turn, Watcher will be pretty useless. The best way to approach this is to get Floating Watcher only after you have Malchezaar. 

Imposing Percussionist

imposing percussionist

Imposing Percussionist is a discovery-minion that basically grants you a free Planar Telescope. Sometimes this minion is the crucial one as he will allow you to discover what you need in order to complete your Demon comp. Other than that, Imposing Percussionist doesn’t have any uses so he is to be sold after his Battlecry is used. 

Tier 5 Demon Minions



Although Felboar is Demon/Quilboar type, he feels much more as a Demon than a Quilboar. This unit can become so OP if you are lucky enough to get few cheap or free spells that it can be even considered as a key minion in Demon Tribe. Of course, in order for his effect to be strong, you need to have the units in Tavern nicely buffed up so be sure to do that. 



Our personal favorite Demon is Tichondrious because he really lives up to his WC3 lore. His synergy with Malchezaar is simply amazing as this combo can give you at least +2/+2 on all your minions in every turn; furthermore, spells that cost health, Imposing Perccusionist, Backstage Security and Wrath Weaver will also trigger his effect. 

Insatible Ur’zul

Insatible Ur’zul is a strong unit; probably the strongest one in Demon comp in Hearthstone Battlegrounds. Most of the time, this will be your highest stat minion even if you don’t focus on him. The great thing about this minion is that it doesn’t really need any support in order to be strong which is why he is often used in mid-game for survivability purposes. 

Tier 6 Demon Minions

Famished Felbet


Famished Felbat is an old Demon unit that has been around for years in this tribe. Even his effect has remained the same – it is impressive to see how he still rains supreme in most games. This minion is capable of turning the tides in your favor even if your setup is not perfect but you manage to get your hands on him. Just be sure to utilize his potential to the max and sell any non-Demon units that you don’t need before you play him.

Tier 7 Demon Minion

Champion of Sargeras

Champion of Sargeras is a great support minion. It works fine with Demon, Mech and Elemental comps as those are the ones that rely heavily on strength of minions in Bob’s Tavern. The real question is – how soon can you play him? The sooner the better but that’s most of the time easier said than done. 

Image Credits: Blizzard Entertainment, Hearthstone

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