Quilboar Tribe in Hearthstone Battlegrounds

hearthstone battlegrounds quilboar minions cover

We are all aware of how strong and meta Quilboar comps in Hearthstone Battlegrounds are at the moment. In this guide, we will analyze every Quilboar minion and give tips on what you can do to utilize this tribe most effectively. Without further ado, check out the entire Quilboar tribe in HS Battlegrounds. 

Tier 1 Quilboar Minions

Razorfren Geomancer

Roazorfen Geomancer

Razorfen Geomancer is not a very versatile minion. His Battlecry ability is pretty weak through the game – early on, this basically means that he has 4/2 which is okeyish but just for the first few turns. Later on, there are plenty of minions that generate Blood Gems more efficiently. You should focus on other minions so the best idea is to skip this one. 

Sun-Bacon Relaxer

Sun bacon relaxer

Sun-Bacon Relaxer is a Quilboar minion that has been in a strange place for a very long time. The problem with this one is that it’s pretty useless to buy just for stats and survivability. All kinds of Quilboar comps rely heavily on high-tier units and late-game builds thus making Sun-Bacon Relaxer obsolete. The only usability is to buy and sell him for +2/+2 Blood Gem buff early on. 

Tier 2 Quilboar Minions

Tough Tusk

Tough Tusk is one of the few Hearthstone Quilboars that has Divine Shield abilities. This is the reason why he is pretty useful throughout the game. That being said, focusing on generating blood gems early on is usually not the best idea. If you can have a few blood gems and cast them occasionally on Tough Tusk, that’s fine, but other than that, it’s simply not worth the investment. Later on, Tough Tusk scales really well, especially if you have Bristlebach on the board. 

Tier 3 Quilboar Minions

Bristling Buffoon

bristling buffoon

One of the blood-gem-generating minions, Bristiling Buffoon, is the newest addition to Quilboar tribe in Season 7 of Hearthstone Battlegrounds. This unit is not something that you should rely on – heavily RNG-influenced ability is the main reason why that is the case. There are plenty of other options for generating and casting Blood Gems and the one that Bristling Buffoon offers is probably the weakest one. 

Mangled Bandit

Mangled Bandit is a tier 3 blood-gem generating minion and similarly to Bristling Buffon, not something that you should rely on. Basically, this minion will give you 2 Blood Gems each turn and, although this can sometimes be useful, many higher-tier minions are much more effective at this (Bong Bopper, Bannerboar, Chargla). 

Prickly Piper

prickly piper

One of the key minions for most Quilboar comps is Prickly Piper. I mean, the whole point of all kinds of Quilboar builds is to buff up Blood Gems and then cast them on your units. For the first, buffing-up part, Prickly Piper is one piece of the puzzle as he will raise the attack of Blood Gems. The second piece is Moon Bacon Jazzer. 

Moon Bacon Jazzer

moon bacon jazzer

As we said earlier, this Quilboar minion buffs up Blood Gems – and does it with battlecry. Pairing him, with abilities or spells that trigger Blood Gems is a solid strategy. The only problem is that he takes up a lot of space on the board and the comp can get a bit clunky if you have both him and Prickly Piper on the board at the same time (or two of them).

Tier 4 Quilboar Minions 


 Bannerboar is a great, high-end Quilboar minion that is essential in end-of-turn type of comp. His ability can and should be buffed up by Drakkari Enchanter and possibly with Eyes of the Earthmother as well. If you go for Quilboars try to get Bannerboar as soon as you can. 

Gem Smuggler

gem smuggler

Another type of Quilboar build is the one that focuses on Gem Smuggler, Brann, and Draconic Deathscale. The main issue with this comp is the fact that it simply gets too clunky sometimes but it is still very viable and powerful. Gem Smuggler is good even if you simply cast and sell it because that means that you get 6 Blood Gems for 2 gold which is very effective. 

Geomagus Roogug

geomagus roogug

Geomagus Roogug is another excellent Quilboar minion in Battlegrounds. Not only that this guy have Divine Shield, thus providing mid-game survivability, but it is also a kind of a Blood Gem-generating minion because of his ability to cast another Blood Gem. There is nothing bad to say about him and as far as the Quilboar comps are concerned, Geomagus Roogug is definitely a good choice. 

Snarling Conductor

snarling conductor

Snarling Conductor is a economy-boosting minion that can and should be used early on to power level to Tavern Tier 6. Even if you don’t play Quilboars, Snarling Conductor can still be pretty useful if you get some low-cost spells for him to discard and provide additional gold. It is a bit sluggish but hey, having +4 gold every turn has to have a price, right? 

Tier 5 Quilboar Minions 

Bongo Bopper 

bongo bopper

Simply put, Bongo Bopper is awesome. Having at least 4 Blood Gems every turn and being able to get buffed up by Drakkari Enchanter is what makes this Quilboar minion so powerful. Later on, if you scale your Blood Gems properly, Bongo Bopper will probably be your strongest unit in terms of stats on board. 

Transmuted Bramblewitch

Transmuted Bramblewitch

As far as the Quilboar comps are concerned, Transmuted Bramblewitch is not a key minion. However, he is pretty useful in all sorts of scam builds, especially if you are playing Hearthstone Battlegrounds Duos and supporting your partner. 



Felboar, similarly to Transmuted Bramblewitch, is not a key minion for Quilboar comps. He is used in Demon builds in Battlegrounds and has a very strong role to play in those. When it comes to Quilboars, he is pretty useless and if you are going for that, you should avoid buying this one. 

Tier 6 Quilboar Minions 



Charlga is your main Blood Gem generating minion. I mean, there are other options, but nothing is better than pairing Charlga with Drakkari Enchanter (12 Blood Gems every turn at least). Just be sure to put Pokey Thronmantle left of Charlga so that his ability activates first and then Charlga casts Blood Gems on everyone else. 

Pokey Thornmantle

pokey thornmantle

The latest addition to Quilboar tribe, Pokey Thronmantle is a great unit that works wonderfully with Drakkari Enchanter. Even without him, his ability is simply too good to be skipped. If you see him, especially early on in the game, you should definitely get him as this will probably win you the game or at least put you in the first 3 spots.



Bristlebach is an okeyish minion as he has been heavily nerfed at the end of 2023. Now his ability activates on Avenge(2) which is still fine but only if you already have a buffed-up board and several Tough Tusks lined up. 

Tier 7 Quilboar 

Sanguine Champion

sanguine champion

Sanguine Champion, as far as Tier 7 minions are concerned is a fine Quilboar Hearthstone minion. However, the fact that his ability scales as turns pass and the fact that he is Tier 7, makes this unit pretty obsolete. 

Image Credits: Blizzard Entertainment, Hearthstone

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