In this weapons guide, we aim to provide the reader with a no-nonsense, quick and dirty overview of all the assault rifles in Helldivers 2. Even at the start of the game, before everyone got properly accustomed to the highest difficulties the game had to offer, it was quite obvious that not all weapons were created equal. Basically, if the question is “Can this gun carry me through Super Helldive”, here we try to provide the answer. This article is up-to-date as of the Borderline Justice premium war bond, and will slowly be updated as the game evolves. For links to other weapon categories check out our Helldivers 2: Weapons Meta article.
AR-23 Liberator
The AR-23 Liberator is the gun you start the game with, and therefore the first of the assault rifles in Helldivers 2 you get to use. The Liberator features good accuracy, moderate damage output and fire rate, as well as 8 spare mags each holding 45 rounds. This is a solid weapon that will get the job done on the low-mid difficulties while you learn the ins and outs of the game. The Liberator teaches new players the basics of the game, such as proper aiming and the impact of stances on weapon accuracy.
Its damage output is good enough to keep you safe from the low tier bugs/voteless, and it’s accurate enough to shoot at the weakpoints of low/mid-sized automaton units. All in all, it’s a solid and simple all-rounder for new players to wield until they graduate to something better. Until you do, make sure to aim for enemy weakpoints, don’t just spray and pray.
Verdict: A decent gun for low-mid difficulties against both bots and bugs, but as it’s outclassed by so many other weapons in the game, players will eventually switch it out for something better.
Unlocked: Unlocked by default.
AR-23P Liberator Penetrator
The AR-23P Liberator Penetrator compared to the regular version deals less damage per bullet and comes with one less spare magazine. In exchange, it gains medium armor penetration. This loss in damage output is quite noticeable and as a result the gun doesn’t deal with crowds of low tier units as well as the regular version. Thanks to its medium pen, it deals with mid-sized enemies faster (such as bile spitters for instance) especially in those circumstances where shooting at weakpoints is not an option.
That being said, because of its lowered damage output and smaller magazine, in some circumstances it’s not that much better at medium target removal over the base version of the gun. Devastators taking three headshots to kill comes to mind. To put it bluntly, the Penetrator is one of the weaker assault rifles in Helldivers 2.
Verdict: This version of the liberator trades some of its ability to deal with crowds of low tier enemies for increased potency against medium tier units. While this is mostly true, it’s not that great of an improvement over the base weapon’s performance. Because of this, much like with the base version, it finds itself in competition with many far better guns out there. The penetrator is ultimately a low tier weapon in the helldiver’s arsenal, and one which we can’t recommend for higher difficulties.
Unlocked: Page 6 of the Helldivers Mobilize war bond.
Total cost: 300 medals. (260 to page 6 and 40 for the gun)
AR-23C Liberator Concussive
Yet another addition to the liberator family of assault rifles in Helldivers 2. This variant of the Liberator trades a considerable amount of fire rate in exchange for a 60 round mag, and more importantly, the ability to stagger small/medium targets. The AR-23C Liberator Concussive deals 5 damage per bullet less compared to the regular version, which leaves it with some of the lowest damage numbers for a weapon in the Helldivers arsenal. The stagger effect is reasonably potent, and it does a good job at suppressing just about any low-mid tier enemy that finds itself in its line of fire. However, its low fire rate makes the weapon quite anemic at actually killing those enemies.
To the point where it’s better to just bring a more powerful weapon and eliminate the target instead. While its scope is clean, there are no magnification options, which is another black mark against the gun. Against bots, this stagger can sometimes be counterproductive since it will make hitting weakpoints more difficult. Honestly, its use case is an anti swarm weapon against groups of small enemies or a niche team support tool. Areas where it’s either outclassed by other guns or just not in line with how most people play the game.
Verdict: A weak gun with extremely potent stagger. We can’t recommend this one for high difficulty missions.
Unlocked: Page 1 of the Steeled Veterans premium war bond.
Total cost: 20 medals.
AR-23A Liberator Carbine
Someone on the Helldivers 2 dev team really likes the liberator assault rifles, apparently. The AR-23A Liberator Carbine’s stats are almost identical to that of the base version. The difference is that it has much higher fire rate and recoil (as well as a worse scope). The impressive fire rate of 920 means the gun can output 1070 DPS before going dry, which is the highest damage output amongst the liberator family of assault rifles in Helldivers 2. The increased recoil when firing full auto and the lackluster scope means this gun’s use is limited to close quarters encounters, despite near pinpoint accuracy on the first shot.
With low range and only light armor penetration, it should be as plain as day that this is an anti-bug weapon through and through. The point of the carbine is that in close quarters combat you can dish out a lot more pain, and in this regard the weapon is a success. Be warned that you still carry the same amount of spare mags as the base version of the Liberator so that boost to DPS comes at the expense of your ammo reserves. You still have the same amount of total damage, but now you can dump it quicker. With that boring disclaimer out of the way, the carbine doesn’t tend run into ammo issues as often as some other bullet-hose weapons in the game.
Verdict: A Liberator variant that can pull a lot more weight when the bugs get close by burning ammo. It’s still missing a bit of something to make it truly special, but as it stands the Liberator Carbine a decent anti-bug weapon for those who like high fire rate guns.
Unlocked: Page 1 of the Viper Commandos premium war bond.
Total Cost: 20 medals.
StA-52 Assault Rifle
The StA-52 Assault rifle is a part of the Helldivers 2 x Killzone colab that came to the game on Dec 2024. Aesthetically, it fits surprisingly well in the Helldivers universe, however the main issue is that among assault rifles in helldivers 2…there’s just nothing new being brought to the table. The StA-52 feels like yet another Liberator variant, to put it bluntly. This time you get a 56 round mag and a fire rate of 790. With each bullet dealing 80 damage to the target, that’s a decent 1050 DPS before running dry. But as a tradeoff you only get 6 spare mags, which is to say slightly less total damage carried in reserves than the base Liberator, as well as a very sluggish reload speed.
The recoil is predictable, always up and a bit to the right, so it feels decent to use despite the high fire rate and stronger recoil over the base Liberator. Its basic and somewhat ugly iron sights keep the StA-52 a low range weapon. That’s about it. This gun doesn’t do anything to move our hearts past resting state, so you’ll forgive us if we sound like ChatGPTs little brother on this one. At this point in time, light armor pen weapons find themselves losing ground to explosive/plasma/medium pen weapons, and the StA-52 doesn’t do anything to move the needle forward. In the first Killzone game, it had a shotgun attachment, and that could have done wonders to spice things up.
As it stands, it’s a generic light armor penetrating assault rifle that’s best used to clear crowds of soft low tier targets (bugs/voteless) while still having the DPS to bring down a bigger bug or an overseer in a reasonable timeframe should the need to do so arise. Best avoid the automatons with this one. The elephant in the room is its abysmally high price tag of 615 Super Credits. Not only do you have to wait for this gun to come into rotation in the super store, but you need to pay over half a war bond in price for a liberator side grade.
Verdict: A Liberator side grade that doesn’t do much to distinguish itself from the rest of the assault rifles in helldivers 2. If it weren’t for this review, we would have skipped the gun entirely.
Unlocked: The StA-52 Assault Rifle can only be obtained through the super store. A practice we hope doesn’t become commonplace.
Total cost: 615 Super Credits.
AR-61 Tenderizer
The AR-61 Tenderizer is an assault rifle that came with the Polar Patriots premium war bond. It has the highest damage per bullet (105) among assault rifles in Helldivers 2, but it comes with a smaller mag size as a downside. It looks good, sounds great, and somehow has even less recoil than the Liberator. When combined with the naturally good handling on assault rifles, it results in a weapon that can reliably hit weakpoints at impressive ranges for a weapon in this class, and that’s even without recoil compensating armor perks. The stand-out feature by far is the ability to change the Tenderizers fire rate from the default 600 up to an impressive 850. This feature also results in the Tenderizer having the highest DPS in this weapon category, as well as the ability to keep the player reasonably safe in close quarters combat…at least until it burns through its ammo reserves.
Despite the massive increase in damage per bullet, it carries a bit less total damage in its reserves when compared to the basic liberator. This is by design, as the devs want this gun to reward accuracy. To help it in this regard, the Tenderizer has a clear scope with several zoom magnifications. The biggest flaw with this weapon, aside from its lackluster ammo reserves, is the lack of medium armor penetration. Against bots, it’s solid as it can easily 2-tap devastator heads, but the lack of armor penetration holds it back against certain enemies. It’s better against bugs, who are an enemy faction that feature a lot more lightly armored units. However, there it runs into ammo problems, as the bugs throw a lot of bodies at the player.
Verdict: An accurate all-rounder, and at the time of writing one of the most powerful assault rifles in Helldivers 2 for those who can aim well. It’s a serviceable weapon in high difficulty missions against all factions, but it’s nothing fancy as there are issues holding it back from achieving greatness. Can be quite punishing when not hitting soft bits reliably. Prepare to hear “Reloading!” over and over again.
Unlocked: Page 1 of the Polar Patriots premium war bond.
Total cost: 20 medals.
BR-14 Adjudicator
This is an interesting one because it was introduced to the game as a marksman rifle. Today, the BR-14 Adjudicator is a medium armor penetrating assault rifle and one that is actually usable on the higher difficulties, as opposed to the Liberator Penetrator. It deals a solid 95 damage per shot, significantly more than any of the liberators, but has a lower rate of fire of 550. As a result, in full auto mode, the gun has similar DPS to the basic liberator. On the topic of reloads, with a mag size of just 30, you’re going to be doing them pretty often. So, although it comes with 8 spare mags, it is possible to run dry pretty fast. However, the main black mark against the Adjudicator is its awful recoil when firing full auto.
It’s got a good scope and set of magnification options, but the recoil will make you feel like you’re firing the weapon during an earthquake. Stick to semi-auto if you need accuracy. This all combines into an assault rifle that simply feels lackluster to actually use. While it can 2-tap devastators to the head, and it has medium armor pen which is always a great boon when fighting bots, the strong recoil usually redelegates this gun to an anti-bug role. The Adjudicator is best used firing in short bursts against small bugs and in full auto for larger targets (or those who get too close). Learn to crouch before firing.
Verdict: A versatile anti-bug assault rifle that doesn’t sacrifice its ability to deal with crowds to be effective against mid-tier targets like the Penetrator. In short, it’s what the Liberator Penetrator should have been. All that being said, on the highest difficulty “usable” is the highest mark it can get. It can get the job done somewhat, but there are better options out there.
Unlocked: Page 1 of the Democratic Detonation premium war bond.
Total cost: 20 medals.
Closing thoughts on assault rifles in Helldivers 2
Assault rifles in Helldivers 2 are an easy-to-use weapon class thanks to usually low recoil stats and good handling characteristics. Bullets have little dropoff and high initial velocity, which contributes to them feeling great to use. Damage or ammo reserves were always an issue, however, and in these areas most of them could use a buff. Prior to the introduction and subsequent buffs to the Adjudicator and Tenderizer, assault rifles were not recommended for higher difficulty missions. (with the LAS-16 Sickle energy assault rifle as a notable exception to that).
By the way, if you enjoy Helldivers 2, make sure to check out our list of co-op games like Deep Rock Galactic cause you may find something interesting there.
Even now, after all the updates, they are decent but unremarkable weapons. We hope this guide for the assault rifles in Helldivers 2 achieved what it set out to do and provided a quick source of information to the reader. May democracy guide your step helldiver!
Image credit: Arrowhead Game Studios.