All Mortal Kombat Female Characters [Khaos Reigns Update]

All mortal kombat femela characters aka all girls from mortal kombat

There have been many female characters in the MK universe during the past three decades. Now, as you all know, there are three timelines, the original or 1st timeline (Mortal Kombat, MK II, MK 3, Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3, MK Advance, MK Trilogy, MK 4, MK Gold, MK: Deadly Alliance, MK: Tournament Edition, MK: Deception, MK: Shaolin Monks MK: Unchained MK: Armageddon), the 2nd timeline (MK9, MKX, and MK11), and 3rd timeline (Mortal Kombat 1). This is a complete list of all Mortal Kombat female characters ranked by how they appeared in the franchise; starting with the original Mortal Kombat back in 1992 and ending with Mortal Kombat 1. Now let’s fight!

Disclaimer – We’ll be covering only female characters that appeared in Mortal Kombat video games and were at least once playable. 

Sonya Blade

Sonya Blade Mortal Kombat 1

She was the first of all Mortal Kombat female characters that appeared in the franchise. She appeared back in the original Mortal Kombat game (1992) and she was the only female character back then. Sonya Blade is the hottest U.S. Special Forces soldier and she is a brutal fighter with awesome kicking moves. In the past, she was kidnapped and taken away by the bad guys but in the new timeline, she’s a whole new person.  Sonya Blade in Mortal Kombat 9 had an amazing start with Johhny Cage and they even have a daughter, Casie Cage; but unfortunately, they didn’t make it, they got divorced so even Kronika couldn’t help them. In Mortal Kombat 11, she died as she blew herself up in the Shinnok’s Bone Temple, but the younger version of her later appeared in the game.

Sonya Blade Mortal Kombat 9

In Mortal Kombat 1, Sonya Blade appeared only as a cameo and wasn’t a playable character in the story mode; Sonya is a playable character in the game, although. Because it’s the 30th anniversary of the Mortal Kombat series, her design and clothes are like from the first game Mortal Kombat (1992). Sonya wears a green sports bra, green yoga pants, white socks, and white sneakers. She also has upper arm and lower armbands. This was another reboot after 2011’s Mortal Kombat 1, so maybe she’ll play an important role in a DLC or another Mortal Kombat game.

sonya blade mortal kombat 11

The most iconic Sony Blade’s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are: 

Special Move: Leg Grab – Sonya stands on her hands grabs an opponent and throws the opponent away. 

Weapon/Superpower: Energy Rings – Weapons attached to Sonya’s wrists that look like bracelets; when they’re banged together they release energy pink energy rings.

Fatality: Kiss of Death – Sony sends an energy-like pink kiss that sets the opponent on fire. Ambiguous as it is, it’s become a favorite among players who are usually incinerated by Sonya’s charisma.  


Kitana MK1

This 10,000-year-old Edenian princess appeared for the first time in Mortal Kombat 2 (1993). She is the daughter of Sindel and Jarred, the king of Edenia. Kitana in the Mortal Kombat universe has most of her moves related to her steel fans. She was led into believing that Shao Kahn is her father and her sister is Millena. But eventually, she found out that it was all a lie and she tried to kill Shao Khan. She had a great relationship with Jade, another Edenian we’ll discuss later. Kitana in Mortal Kombat 9 doesn’t grow up with Mileena. The romance between Kitana and Liu Kang was at its peak after Raiden (the corrupted version) set them to be King and Queen of Netherrealm.  In Mortal Kombat 11, a younger version of Kitana was brought back (by Kronika) to the present, where she killed Shao Khan and set free Kotal Kahn.


Kitana is one of the main protagonists of Mortal Kombat 1, and she also has an older sister, Mileena, in this timeline. Kitana is loyal to her older sister and wants to ensure that Mileena will be the next queen. In the end, if you play as Kitana during the Battle of Armageddon, she becomes a general of her sister’s army. She had only one task: to kill the followers of Shao Khan and Khan himself. Kitana won many battles and earned the respect of other soldiers, as they didn’t like her at first. Soldiers thought that she was a spoiled dilettante. In the end, she’ll remain a general of her sister’s army, and hopefully, she’ll kill Shao Kahn. Kitana’s outfit is somewhere between Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 and Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance.

Kitana MK 11

The most iconic Kitana’s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are: 

Special Move: Fan Lift– As the name suggests she’s using her metal fans to lift her opponent into the air, giving her full control for a couple of seconds. Players usually use this to perform additional uppercut for extra damage. 

Weapon/Superpower: Fan Toss– Edenian Wind Magic lets her control fans as Kitana is tossing them and retrieving them like a boomerang. 

Fatality: Kiss of Death – Pretty original right? Kitana kisses her opponent on her head, sometimes she uses fans as a way to cover the kiss so the audience is left anticipating. After that the opponent explodes and in some of the first games inflates and explodes like a bubble leaving his guts all over the stage. 



The second of the hottest ninja trio in history, Mileena, also made her first appearance in Mortal Kombat 2. Kitana is a beauty-and-a-beast all-in-one character, as she has the body of a goddess and the face of Tarkatan. That’s because she is a mix of Kitana (Edenian) and Baraka (Tarkatan). She has acrobatic moves mixed with Baraka-like savage moves, brute strength, and a pair of Sai. Shang Tsung created her because Shao Kahn feared that if Kitana learned the truth about what he did she’d betray him. After Shao Khan was killed in MK9, she became the empress of Netherrelm. Since she was even worse than her “father” she was captured in MK X and executed by D’Vorah. In Mortal Kombat 11 she was available in Kombat Pack 2 DLC but didn’t have to do much with the story.

Mileena Mortal Kombat 9 Skin

Mileena is one of the main protagonists of Mortal Kombat 1, besides her mother Sindel, and her younger sister Kitana. Since the timeline changed, so did her looks. As you can see, she’s not a “freak” anymore with that hideous Tarkatan mouth. She is also portrayed as a protagonist and a good person for once. Another piece of news is that Mileena is probably a lesbian or bisexual, as it’s seen that she is in a romantic relationship with Tanya. Mileena is infected with the Tarkatan virus, and her doctor is Shang Tsung, who makes some kind of temporary cure. It was revealed in one part of the game that if she doesn’t take the medicine, she’ll lose her mind and start killing everyone. In her ending of Mortal Kombat 1, she became the queen of Outworld and helped Tarkatans get treated fairly like other Outworlders.

Mileena MK11

The most iconic Milena’s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are: 

Special Move: Sai Blast–  Milena throws her two Sai blades at the opponent.

Weapon/Superpower: Tele-Kick -Milena’s teleports usually by jumping on the floor in teleport and appearing above behind the enemy to perform a powerful kick. 

Fatality: Man Eater– A fatality where she kisses and sucks the opponent and spits out the remains (in original Mortal Kombat II it was bones). 


Jade Mortal Kombat 11

Jade is the final piece of the sexiest triangle in video game history since she appeared in MK2. She wasn’t playing until Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3. Jade is Kitana’s best friend and her bodyguard, she also serves Shao Khan.  She is an Edenian General who hates Tanya because she’s a traitor.  Jade differs from Kitana and Mileena because of her darker skin tone. Her weapons are the long staff and boomerang. Since the reboot in 2011, she kept most of the things she only has a cheekier personality. Once again she’s proven to be a good friend and she freed Kitaana after defeating Baraka and Sheeva. After that, she’s killed by Selina like many others but we don’t see her in MK X. We only see her in MK 11 where it’s obvious that she is in love with Kotal Kahn.


Unfortunately, we didn’t see our beloved staff wielder, but some mentions of her could’ve been heard. By that, we mean that in some intros of different characters, we can hear about Jad; for now, she’s nowhere to be found in Mortal Kombat 1. 


The most iconic Jade’s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are: 

Special Move: Nitro Kick– Jade is filled with green energy (force) and kicks the opponent so hard that they kiss the floor.

Weapon/Superpower: Staff Overhead – Jade jumps, pulls a metal bo staff and smashes an opponent with it.

Fatality: Shake it – Jade stabs an opponent with her staff and starts shaking so fast until skin, muscles and finally bones don’t fall off.



It’s time to go four arms” wasn’t invented by Ben 10, but rather by Mortal Kombat 3 back in 1995. This four-armed half-humanoid, half-dragon charming lady belongs to the race of Shokan (or Shokans). Fans were always adored and scared by her distinct queen-brute-warrior personality and muscular body. Sheeva’s reptilian eyes, dragon scales, and specific moves make her a legendary character in the MK universe. She was a playable character for the first time in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. Sheeva in Mortal Kombat 9 has minor importance to the story as a bodyguard of Shao Khan, but she is really important in the Mortal Kombat 11 DLC story. She helps revive Sindel with the help of Shang Tsung which as usual doesn’t end well. Out of all Mortal Kombat female characters, this one remains the most iconic female brute until the rise of Brienne of Tarth.

Sheeva Mortal Kombat 11

Out of all Mortal Kombat girls, Sheeva is one that surprised me didn’t appear. I thought that she’d appear later on in DLC but she didn’t. I hope that they’ll make her happen again since she’s super fun to play with. Plus all those extra arms come in handy. 


The most iconic Sheeva’s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are: 

Special Move: Death From Above – Sheeva jumps up and off the screen and stars crash down on the opponent. After the crash, she kept jumping up and down several times before jumping off.

Weapon/Superpower: Searing Blast – She launches a fireball that knows down an opponent. In MK9 this move got a name that it deserves Fireball

Fatality: Skin Rip – Just as the name suggests Sheeva takes the skin off the enemy; pretty graphical I guess, but it’s MK so it’s okay. 


Sinel-Mortal-Kombat 11

Back in 1995 Sindel debuted in Mortal Kombat 3 (1995) and is the mother of  Kitana.  This beautiful queen had a husband called King Jerrod who was killed by Shao Khan after Edenia was invaded. In the original timeline, she was brainwashed and resurrected by Shao Kahn after she committed suicide. Then she was with the bad guys but after Shao Kahn was defeated, Kitana told her real past and she joined Earthrelm. In the latest installment Mortal Kombat 11 Aftermath, Sindel story was once again rebooted and now in this timeline, she was always a bad mommy. She’s been lying ever since just to keep other Edenians including Kitana close to her.  Her most famous superpower is her super voice – Banshee Scream. While her appearance changed over time she was always cruel, hot, cold, and charming; but always reminding us a bit of Storm from X-Men.

Sindel 1

Sindel is presented as one of the strongest female characters from Mortal Kombat 1. She does get killed in the game, but in the end, she joins her late husband King Jerrod. Since Sindel’s husband overtook Ermac’s body, he saved her soul by pulling it into Ermac’s body. Ermac is like a vessel for souls; whoever is the strongest can control the body. Sindel is overprotective from time to time and cares deeply about her daughters Mileena and Kitana. Sindel is worried that other people from her city won’t discover that Mileena is infected with the Tarkat virus because if that happens, she’ll have to banish her. Another problem is that Mileena is an heir to the throne. Sindel’s looks are more stunning than ever, simply because she has a more human-like appearance and a good personality.

Sindel MK 11 skin

The most iconic Sindel’s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are: 

Special Move: Banshee Screamer – A super scream that stuns an opponent so it gives her free time to hit or grab.

Weapon/Superpower: Hair Whip – Sindel uses her hair as a whip to wrap it around an opponent and throw it away. 

Fatality: Livin’ The Scream – Sindel flies around the opponent and screams at them as the skin is being ripped off. The opponent covers the ears but that doesn’t help as the eyes pop out. Finally, she delivers a final scream and only what is left is the skeleton. 


Khameleon Mortal Kombat 1 Khaos Reigns

The only female Zatteran (also Saurians or Raptors) first appeared in Mortal Kombat Trilogy (1996).  She is a species to whom the famous Reptile belongs and she possesses powers of invisibility. Just like Jade, she has her face partially covered and her costume is entirely gray. She possesses all the powers of other Mortal Kombat female characters combined. Khameleon in Mortal Kombat seeks only one thing and that’s revenge against Shao Kahn.  Unfortunately, she was killed in the battle of Armageddon and we haven’t heard anything else about them ever since. Even in the Mortal Kombat Armageddon game, she appeared in the Wii version because fans demanded. She has a male counterpart Chameleon and there are only three Saurians in the game including Reptile.

Khameleon Mortal Kombat 1 Khameleon Mortal Kombat 1 Khaos Reigns Female Character

Khameleon is one of those Mortal Kombat female characters that we haven’t seen in almost 17 years. She appears in a brief cameo behind Tanya, and we can see that she is one of the Umgadi warriors. Other than this, nothing else was revealed, but maybe we’ll see more of her in future DLC.

Khameleon Mortal Kombat 1

The most iconic Khameleon’s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are: 

Special Move: Yellow Surge – This is originally Tanya’s move where she shoots a fireball at the opponent. 

Weapon/Superpower: Serpent’s Shadow – Taken from Jade, this move allows Khameleon to spin with green smoke around her, then reappear behind her opponent.

Fatality: Fantasize – Khameleon cuts the opponent’s fan with a steel fan, then jumps and throws two daggers hitting the opponent’s eyes and beheading foe. 



We didn’t see this Edenian beauty since Mortal Kombat X but we are glad that she appeared again in Mortal Kombat 1. Every good story has a formidable foe who is perfect for treacherous deeds and that’s Tanya in Mortal Kombat. Always sleeping and siding with the enemy, Tanya is everything but fair. She was introduced in Mortal Kombat 4 (1997) but was also a part of Mortal Kombat Deception and Armageddon. Tanya was a Shinok worshiper in MK4 until he was defeated but later started serving Shao Khan. Tanya in Mortal Kombat X sides with Mileena against Kotal Kahn. Later in the game, she fought D’Vorah and lost what happened later with her is unknown. She is easily memorable since she has a darker skin tone and a yellow costume. Tanya is an agile fighter with powerful kicks and pyrokinetic powers.


Tanya is the leader of the Umgadi and the bodyguard of the Royal Family (Sindel, Mileena, and Kitana) in Mortal Kombat 1. The Umgadi are warrior priestesses made from firstborn girls from the Outworld. There is only one Umgadi to protect the royal family, and this is the first time they have ever appeared in the Mortal Kombat universe. The way the Umgadi are raised reminds me of the Janissaries from the Ottoman Empire. The Umgadi also reminds me of The Dora Milaje from Black Panther. Tanya is in an intimate relationship with Mileena, which is prohibited for some unknown reason in Outworld. Tanya uses the three-section staff as her weapon, but weapons in Mortal Kombat games usually change. In her ending, it’s revealed that Tanya became the leader of the reformed Umgadi. As you can see the person standing behind Tanya is allegedly Khameleon.

Tanya MK

The most iconic Tanya’s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality include: 

Special Move: Human Cannon Drill – Tanya spins her legs like a tornado horizontally kicking the opponent and throwing it into the air. 

Weapon/Superpower: Surging Blast – She launches a fireball with her hands at an opponent.

Fatality: Kiss of Deceit – Tanya kisses an opponent on the cheek after that its limbs, head, and torse start twisting in unimaginably painful ways until an opponent explodes. 


Frost MK 11

This Lin Kuei warrior was introduced back in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance (2002). Frost is really specific and she was the best student of Sub-Zero. Just like Sub-Zero, she is a fun character but is the total opposite of him. Of all Mortal Kombat female characters, this one has the most Sub-Zero-like appearance with a fine touch of Sektor (or Cyrex). Frost has always been presented as chaos, unlike Sub Zero; they’re basically like two opposite sides of the same medal. Her cryokinetic powers are similar but not the same as Sub-Zeros. For instance, she focuses more on freezing the environment around her enemies rather than freezing them directly as Sub-Zero does. Frost appeared in Mortal Kombat 11, as a cyborg-cryomancer with unique blue hair in the early 2000 emo style.


Frost only appears as a brief cameo and didn’t play any significant role in the Mortal Kombat 1 story. Her design resembles the one from Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. Most female Mortal Kombat characters have had their costumes redesigned, probably because it’s another reboot. It was cool in a way to see how fashion has changed since the ’90s.


The most iconic Frost’s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are: 

Special Move: Ground Freeze – Frost freezes the ground and when an opponent steps on it gets frozen too.

Weapon/Superpower: Core Discharge – Core gets fired from Frost’s chest knocking down the opponent. 

Fatality: Ice Sculpture – Frost creates two ice drills with her hands and drills through the head and stomach of the opponent. After that, she pulls out her frozen core and puts it into the stomach. When it detonates it’s instantly freezing the body thus creating a creepy Ice Sculpture. 


Sareena-MK1 one of the best morta kombat female characters

Sarrena debuted in Mortal Kombat Mythologies: Sub-Zero (1997) as one of Quan Che’s three assassins. But she wasn’t playable until Mortal Kombat: Tournament Edition (2003). This hot emo-looking girl has two Kamas (short swords) and she uses them in all of her combos. The story goes that she was killed by Shinnok and dragged into Netherelm after assisting Sub-Zero to kill Quan Chi. She was tormented and after many years escaped through the portal left by Quan Chi. You can call it fate but she bumped again into Sub-Zero who helped her because she helped his brother. Now in the battle of MK: Armageddon she was killed. In Mortal Kombat X Sareena was seen helping the Special Forces. In this scene, she fought resurrected Kitana but was defeated. Fortunately, Jax came along and saved the day.


Sareena appears in a brief cameo in Mortal Kombat 1, and you can see her fighting alongside bad guys as usual, and she seems to be a partner with Nitara. There is not much to this character overall, but we’ll probably see her within this new timeline.

SAREENA mortal kombat

The most iconic Sareena’s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are: 

Special Move: Demonic Dance – Sareena performs a cartwheel and kicks opponents while in her demonic form. 

Weapon/Superpower: Kia’s Blades – Once again in her demonic form Sareena throws Kamas twice as a boomerang that strikes twice. Since they’re like boomerangs they’ll strike twice more so they’ll deal double damage overall. 

Fatality: Inner Demon – A portal opens on the ground and Sareena jumps out ripping apart the opponent’s chest and we can see a heart hanging by an artery. After that Sareena pierces the heart with her tail and throws the opponent’s body away. 



Nitara first appeared in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance back in 2002. After her debut, she only appeared in MK: Armageddon and MK: Tournament Edition. Nitara is one of the most unique characters since she is a vampire and feeds on blood. Her background story starts in the realm of darkness known as Vaeternus, which is shrouded in mystery. We only know that the number of vampires from Vaeternus is incredibly low, some even speculate that there are none left except Nitara. Her realm was conquered by Shao Kahn and merged with Outworld so she is seeking a way to separate these two worlds. Her appearance with bat wings, goth-style clothes, and beauty has taken fans by storm. As you know her fighting style revolved around blood and deception as well as agile movements like her distinct Unicorn kick.


First of all, we have to say that Nitara in Mortal Kombat 1 was voiced by Megan Fox. In Mortal Kombat 1, it has been explained that there are more vampires left in Vaeternus, but they’re dying out as they need blood to survive. Nitara has a plan to fix this problem by sneaking her kind into other realms and killing its inhabitants. As she explains in her ending scene, “And I only need a few thousand to start. A number so small, compared to the billions in the realms, that no one will notice as people go missing.” Her design has drastically changed as you may notice. Nitara was changed from a hot vampire only in a bra and underwear to a more decent young-looking Megan Fox lookalike; which is still pretty hot.

NItala one of the most neglected mortal kombat female characters

The most iconic Nitara’s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are: 

Special Move: Quick Taste – Nitara flies and grabs the opponent and brings them up in the air. In the air, she bites their neck after which she kicks the opponent down.

Weapon/Superpower: Bad Blood – She spits blood from her mouth at the opponent. 

Fatality: Brake Check – Nitara flies swiftly to the opponent and cuts her guts open. Immediately she pulls the intestine and flies up in the air while the opponent is screaming. Finally, she stops all of a sudden and pulls the intestine so she can knock out the opponent. Since the body was struck with such immense force, the skeleton gets perfectly separated, hits the ground, and breaks into a million pieces. 

Li Mei

Li Mei Moratl Kombat 1

We’ve seen this beauty for the first time in Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance. Li Mei is a native Outworldian in the MK universe. Her most iconic move is the Sparkler which is a pink ball of energy.  She’s been trained and saved by Bo’ Rai Cho (the Drunken Fist) in the Deception. Other than that, she is one of the first warriors who died at the beginning of Mortal Kombat: Armageddon. She was stabbed by Hotoru’s Naginata at the beginning of the fight scene. In the reboot, she made a very small appearance in Mortal Kombat X. Li Mei led refugees from Netherelm to Earthrelm, but she also revealed Kano’s location. Also, she told them one crucial piece of information Millena has an Amulet of Shinnok and that she intends to use it.

Li mei deception skin

Li Mei was probably the biggest comeback surprise from all other female characters from Mortal Kombat. Li Mei was previously a leader of Umagi but after Sindel’s husband King Jerrod was assassinated, she was downgraded to be Su Do’s First Constable (chief of city police patrols). Li Mei’s ending revealed that she was once again upgraded to lead the Imperial Police, but it was a mistake. Being a chief of the imperial police required too much bureaucracy and politics involved, so Li Mei resigned and went back to being Su Do’s First Constable once again. This is the first game after Mortal Kombat: Armageddon that you can play as Li Mei. Her costume isn’t as vulgar as in some previous games, but it’s a pretty decent medieval Asian military-style design.

Li mei is one of the most attractive mortal kombat female characters

The most iconic Li Mei’s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are: 

Special Move: Chain Reaction – Li throws herself forward and kicks the opponent with her knee in the stomach. Immediately after that, she launches an arsenal of quick punches the final punch knocks down the enemy with a mild explosion and pink sparkles appear. 

Weapon/Superpower: Nova Blast – Li Mei fires a purple ball of energy towards the opponent. 

Fatality: Grand Finale – She charges her fingers with pink magical energy and stabs the opponent in the shoulders, making their arms explore. After that, she fills the fingers again with energy and stabs her opponent in the stomach and Li backs off. Finally, the body explodes and the opponent’s head flies off, but Li’s spiritual Lion catches it and flies behind Li. 


ashrah mortal kombat 1 

Ashrah debuted in Mortal Kombat: Deception (2004) and she is as deadly as she’s beautiful. With her white robe and a hat, fans thought that she would possess wind powers or Raiden-like powers. However, Ashrah is a demon and she possesses different special moves and powers. She found a sword that cleanses her soul. It’s rather simple: the more demons she kills with the sword the cleaner her soul will be. In the end, it’s all about manipulation and deception in the MK universe, so in the events of Armageddon, it’s revealed that swords are just manipulating their users into thinking that they purify the soul. In MK: Armageddon she fights with Nitara but after losing the fight she is teleported back to Edenia. We’ve seen her comeback in Mortal Kombat 1.

Ashra one of the strangest out all mortal kombat female characters

Ashrah is introduced in Mortal Kombat 1 as one of the antagonists. We meet her in MK 1 as she’s killing Shang Tsung’s and Quan Chi’s forces and joining Earthrealmers and Outworlers. Ashrah hasn’t been a playable character for 16 years ever since Mortal Kombat Armageddon. In Ashrah’s ending, she accepts Liu Kang’s advice to join Earthrealm and to live and finally have a home with Shaolin Monks. It appears that Sareena is her Shadow Sister but is under Quan Chi’s spell. Ashrah kills Quan Chi and with the help of Liu Kang breaks the spell, setting Sareena free. Together they form The Order of Light to help protect Earthrealm.


The most iconic Ashrah’s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are: 

Special Move: God’s Wrath  – Ashrah uses her Kriss to deliver magical slashes, ultimately knocking the opponent down.

Weapon/Superpower: Astral Projection – She sends her astral projection then swaps places with it and unleashes an energy blast, sending the opponent to the ground.

Fatality: Heavenly Light – Ashrah flies into the air and she summons wings of blades that are made of blades. Then the wings turn towards the opponent as she commands and starts bombarding the opponent stabbing the opponent and hammering it to the ground. In the end, she drops down and hits the ground with her sword and releases a beam of scorching energy that burns the body until just a couple of remains are left. 


Out of all mortal kombat female characters Kira is one that's the most like female Kano

This drug dealer and smuggler first appeared in Mortal Kombat: Deception. Kira was recruited and patiently observed by Kabal. Once she joined the new Black Dragon clan she was sent to the Netherelm to fight Onaga with Kobra and Kabal; when they arrived, Onaga was killed by Shujinko.  In MK 9 we could see her dressed in her black and red outfit tied in the Shao Kahn’s arena. Aside from that we didn’t see or hear anything else about her. Kira dies in Mortal Kombat: Armageddon and we can see her in the trailer climbing the steps of the pyramid. She is one of the most seductive girls with some of the most badass moves. Kira combines Sonya’s Kiss of Death with Kano’s Cannonball and we get a pretty good character.

Kira MK9

Unfortunately, we didn’t see her come back in Mortal Kombat 1. Of all Mortal Kombat girls, this one was probably the most badass and we hope to see her soon. NetherRealm can surprise us so we’re hoping to see her in the next MK game. When Mortal Kombat 1 ended 4 mixed-up characters showed up Titan Havok; Quan Chi with Sub Zero’s powers, Tanya who is dressed up as Kitana, and Kensi. Maybe they’ll put good old Kira back on track, but we’ll just have to wait and see.

KIra MK Deception

The most iconic Kira’s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are : 

Special Move: Black Dragon Ball – Similar to Kano she rolls as a ball and knocks down the opponent. 

Weapon/Superpower: Night Shade – Kira ducks and fires a little rocket toward an enemy. 

Fatality: Dragon’s Shotgun -She cuts the opponent’s neck two times and kicks the opponent’s head off, while the body is splattered across the stage. 


Scarlet is one the bloodies Mortal Kombat female characters

There is an unofficial debut of Skarlet in Mortal Kombat II as a secret character but it was just a glitch. If you ever played MK II arcade with Kitana, she would become red so the glitch was named Skarlet. This gorgeous-looking character debuted in 2011’s Mortal Kombat 9 as a DLC.  After almost 20 years this rumor became a true character (and a good one).  In Mortal Kombat 9 Skarlet was a introduced as genetic experiment created by Shao Khan with the use of the blood of the strongest warriors. However, the story was changed in Mortal Kombat 1  where Scalet is an orphan raised by Shao Khan who taught her blood magic. Other than her interesting story she is a good-looking, ninja-blood-mage who can control her enemies. She can also throw daggers, and spears, summon blood balls, and create a scythe using blood.

Skarlet Mortal Kombat

Yet another Mortal Kombat girl that didn’t make it in Mortal Kombat 1 is our bloody Skarlet. We as fans of this bloody good Mortal Kombat female character hope to see her swing that scythe one more time. 


The most iconic Skarlet’s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are : 

Special Move: Up Slash – Skarlet draws a sword slashes an opponent and tosses it in the air. 

Weapon/Superpower: Blood Ball – She uses her blood so it reduces her health, to form a blood ball; in MK 11 this move doesn’t drain Skarlet’s health. 

Fatality: Bloody Mess – Skarlet drains opponents’ blood through its eyes and ears, and with that blood, she forms six sharp stakes. Then she throws stakes down at the enemy stabbing chest, heart, shoulders, and eyes. Finally, she comes close to the enemy smiles in a sick and twisted way, and pushes one of the skates through enemies eye sockets, so the eyeballs pop out on the other side.

Cassie Cage


Commander Cassandra Carlton or simply Cassie Cage is the daughter of Johhny Cage and Sonya Blade. Cassie Cage in MKX (2015) appears as a divorced child and a Commander of the Special Forces. As you know she possesses the powers of both of her parents. Most importantly looks like both but more like Sonya and she has strong military personnel; she’s a bit spoiled and cocky just like her father. She was a sergeant before she almost killed Shinnok in Mortal Kombat X after which she earned a commander title. We have to mention that Shinnok was in his ultimate or corrupted form.  In MK11 she helped save her younger version of her parents when Black Dragon Kidnapped them and she led an attack on Kronika’s fortress. “With great powers comes great responsibility” is the quote that describes her best.


Since her mom Sonya Blade and dada Johnny Cage are probably her age, no wonder why Cassie didn’t appear in Mortal Kombat 1. Since the second game might’ve will included more characters, plus from a mixed universe, we might see Cassie once again. 

Cassie Cage

The most iconic Cassie Cage’s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are : 

Special Move: Glow Kick – Cassie Junior kicks her opponent high into the air and her body glows green since it’s filled with Shadow energy. 

Weapon/Superpower: Air Akimbo – She draws two guns and fires at the opponent while in the air. 

Fatality: I <3 U – Cassie uses a green Shadow energy kick to rip a hole through the opponent’s stomach and she kicks the heart out of the opponent’s with the rest of the intestines. Then she pushes her arms through the sides of enemies body in the void made by the kick and makes a heart symbol with her hands, after which she smiles and sends the audience a kiss.



Her name means Bee in Hebrew and she is a nightmare for all of you with arachnophobia. She belongs to the Kytinnans race of humans-spiders-insects from the Arnyek Islands. D’Vorah in Mortal Kombat is a servant of Kotal Kahn.  She’s first portrayed positively, but after some time it’s revealed that she’s a servant of Shinok. D’Vorah was defeated by Cassie Cage. She joined forces with Kronika in Mortal Kombat 11 and she defeated Hanzo Hasashi (current timeline Scorpio). The younger version of Scorpio cut off her appendixes and threw fire at her, after which she ran away. She is overall an interesting villain and it’s fun playing with her since she has extra “arms and legs” to fight with, it reminds us of Sheeva in a way. Her best moves and fatalities are all about appendixes and insects.

DVorah one of scariest mortal kombat female characters

Maybe the bug will be squished forever in the Mortal Kombat 1 universe, but who knows? For now, we know that the timeline has been all mixed up so probably we’ll see all ok Mortal Kombat female characters in future MK games. 


The most iconic D’Vorah move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are : 

Special Move: Ground Swarm  She creates a swarm of flies that explode after some time and knocks the enemy down. 

Weapon/Superpower: Swarm -D’Vorah opens her stomach and releases a swarm of insects onto the enemy. 

Fatality: New Species – She uses ovipositors and stabs the enemy in the shoulders after which D’Vorah vomits yucky green stuff into enemies mouth. As the enemy lies dying the body starts twitching and after a couple of seconds four giant spider-like legs rip through the torse. Finally legs keep moving with the torso while the rest of the body is left and suddenly enemies head is ripped in half as the spider’s head appears. 

Ferra (Torr)

Ferra is one the smalles and youngest mortal kombat female characters

Kotal Kahn’s symbiotic bodyguard Ferra/Torr is a rather interesting character. They first appeared in Mortal Kombat X, the small Ferra, and the big Torr. She’s riding him like an angry bull so it’s an obvious mind-and-body relationship. They’re like a state of symbiosis where one can’t live without another. Also, both Ferra and Torr are from Netherrealm. They were awarded as the most innovative race that MK has come up with in a long time. Most of their special moves and fatalities are done by Ferra while the player controls the Torr. The last time we saw them was in MKX as well when they were frozen by Sub-Zero. In their ending but it’s probably not canon she leaves Torr after he dies. Even if it’s canon she didn’t find a new rider up until MK:11 Aftermath.

Ferra without Torr

In Mortal Kombat 1 Ferra has just a brief came as she’s decapitating an opponent. Anyway, she didn’t make it yet, but may appear in future DLC or another game for sure. We’d like to see her grow up in future games. 


The most iconic Ferra’s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are : 

Special Move: Ferra Toss – Torr throws Ferra toward the opponent and she starts rotating and cutting the opponent’s face. 

Weapon/Superpower: Tuck ‘n’ Charge -Torr slams his opponent using Ferra, then puts her under his arm and charges at the opponent.

Fatality: Better Than One – He lifts the opponent, stretching its arms, while Ferra stabs its forehead with her claws. As she holds her claws in its head, she leaps around, stabs it in the back, slides down, and cuts the body in half. Torr then tosses the two halves on top of each other like a mad butcher with a bisected pig.

Jacquie Briggs


Jacqueline Sonya “Jacqui” Briggs debuted in Mortal Kombat X as the daughter of Jax and Vera. She has a fiancé Takeda Takahashi, and her best friend and superior is Cassie Cage. Among all other Mortal Kombat female characters she is the very first black female character. Jacquie Briggs, just like Cassie Cage, doesn’t “expose” their curves that much. In previous MK games like MK 9 and even before that female characters were more like exotic dances with ninja skills. Since MK X they’re more like strong women wearing highly specialized military and spec ops camouflage suits. Jackuqie has electronic gauntlets as her main weapon (just like Jax has a pair of metal arms).  In MK11 she fought her present dad with the one from the past; eventually, they all ended up fighting together against Kronika’s forces.

Jacqui Briggs is one of the strongest mortal kombat female characters

Unfortunately in Mortal Kombat 1, there wasn’t mention of a lot of mortal combat female characters and Jacquie is one of those. The timeline reset is probably one of the reasons, plus she was a new character. Since MK1 was a kinda of reboot it was mainly focused on OG characters and less on new experiments. We hope to see Jacquie Briggs in some other Mortal Kombat title or DLC. 

Jacqui Briggs

The most iconic Jacquie Briggs’s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are : 

Special Move: Air Ground Smash – She jumps high in the air and when she lands Jacqui pounds the ground and the whole arena starts to shake. 

Weapon/ Superpower: Single Barrel -Jacqui’s weapon of choice in this case is a shotgun that she shouts from her gauntlet.

Fatality: Nothin’ But Neck – She jumps and destroys the enemy’s head with a hit, then blasts a hole in its stomach with a shotgun from the gauntlet and rockets herself back. Turning to the audience, she throws an energy grenade through the hole in the enemy’s neck. As it activates, the body slides down the energy wall, very creepy indeed. 



The daughter of Kronika the main antagonist in Mortal Kombat 11 where they both debuted. She is a sister of Elder God Shinok to make matters worse and the Elder Goddess of virtue, light, and life. Cetrion can manipulate more elements at once like fire, water, air, and earth to create new elements such as metal, ice, energy, and lava. If this wasn’t enough she could even supersize herself, fly, and create forcefields. Just like her mother, she was “immortal” but was killed in the end by Fire God Liu Kang. Cetrion in Mortal Kombat is immortal but since she gave her essence to Kronika she became mortal in the end. Like other Mortal Kombat female characters (most of them) is not great at hand-to-hand combat and her special moves and superpowers are mostly ranged-based.

Cetrion mortal kombat 11

Appearing just in one game Mortal Kombat 11, I’m not sure when’ll we see this Elder Goddess again. In Mortal Kombat 1 it was obvious since the Kronika was just a disguise for Shang Tsung that probably a lot of MK11 characters wouldn’t appear. Since she was fun to play with plus she’s a goddess, I’d like to see her as soon as possible. 

Cetrion MK11

The most iconic Cetrion’s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are : 

Special Move: Boulder Bash – Cetrion raises a large rock and throws it at the enemy. 

Weapon/ Superpower: Tendril Pull – She ducks and sends tendrils through the ground to grab the enemy after which the enemy is slammed into the ground. 

Fatality: Maintaining Balance – Cetrion creates water from the air and turns it into a powerful stream tearing off enemy skin from the face. Then Cetrion creates fire beneath an enemy’s feet, burning its legs. As the enemy falls to the ground and tries to crawl away on his hands, Cetrion summons 3 giant metallic claws from the ground that cut what’s left of the body.


Kronika is the most powerful mortal kombat female character

The final boss of Mortal Kobat 11 and the most terrifying villain of them all. Unlike other Mortal Kombat female characters, this one is a Titaness, actually unlike any other male or female character in the MK universe so far. Mortal Kombat 11 was the first game that had Titan as a boss and her superiors are out of this world. She can manipulate space and time and she wants to use these powers to remove Raiden from the equation. She was defeated by Liu Kang the Fire God and in the expansion Aftermath she was ultimately destroyed by Shang Tsung. Kronika isn’t the boss that you would fear like Shao Kahn, but totally the opposite. Kronika in Mortal Kombat has a patronizing voice, her personality is calm, and she looks like a robot from Ex Machina with a crown.


Kronika was used as a disguise for Shang Tsung. He used her form to convince Shang Tsung from the current timeline to assist him in defeating Outworld and Earthrealm. Shang Tsung betraying himself is the most Shang Tsung thing ever. Kronika’s costume design at some moments reminds me of a nun’s habit. We hope to see more of this and many other Mortal Kombat female characters in future MK games, but for now, this is it. 

Kronika MK 11

The most iconic Kronika’s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are: 

Special Move: Projectile Ability – She creates two slow-moving orbs, that track the opponent. When they touch one another the opponent will be frozen in time, waiting freely for a hit. 

Weapon/ Superpower: Energy Burst Teleport Ability – Kronika teleports behind the opponent and creates an energy burst that launches an enemy into the air. 

Fatality: Boss Fatality – This might be the most sadistic fatality of them all. Kronika first lifts the opponent and tears them in half at the waist. She then rewinds time to restore the opponent, only to split them vertically. After another rewind, she peels off their skin. Finally, she loops back to the first horizontal cut and repeats all three steps over and over.


Cyrax MK 1 Khaos Reigns

As of Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns Cyrax is the old-new Mortal Kombat female character. Studios have kept dark skin and an African accent, but the original Cyraxe’s lore is probably gone for good, at least in this timeline. What we know is that Cyrax was born into Zaki one of Lin Kuei’s sub-clans. She’s proven to be one of the best warriors but is tricked by Sektor and Sub-Zero into believing that Scorpio is a traitor. By the end of Khaos Reigns, Cyrax gets invited by Scorpio to join Shirai Ryu and he calls her Grandmaster. Cyraxes character is similar to the original especially when comes to temper and rebelliousness. She’s proven to be a good warrior with a generous heart, but nobody knows where this takes us. We hope at least that NetherRealm Studios does. 

MK1 Khaos Cyrax no suit

As many fans are arguing, why did the gender swap happen, and how it affected the original character? They’ve kinda changed the timeline so they can do whatever they want but at least the core of the character was kept. Fortunately, they didn’t just change the skin and gender and that’s it. Another problem with the new MK game is “the infinite universe cheap trick”, it’s used too many times. Also, we’ve seen the zombified version of all of them in MKX and now they’re “Khaosized” versions from other timelines. I hope that WB and NetherRealm Studios can up with something innovative and interesting; Ed Boon, we’re all looking at you. 

Khaos Reigns Cyrax face suit on

The most iconic Cyrax’s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are: 

Special Move:  Sawtooth Kick – Cyrax jumps to kick the enemy then performs a full rotation and kicks the enemy with full rotation two more times in the air. 

Weapon/ Superpower:  Capture Foam -Cyrax throws a grenade with special foam that foams the enemy so it can’t attack.

Fatality: Burst Your Bubble – Cyrax starts skating around the enemy and throwing sticky grenades at the enemy; the final one is a glue grenade. After the grenades explode, the glue doesn’t let the body parts fly away but rather creates an abstractly horrific sculpture from the enemy’s upper body. After that, Cyrax rushes and kicks it, sending it into smithereens.


Sektor Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos Reigns

In MK1 expansion Khaos Reigns, we’re introduced to an old-new character Sektor who’s now a girl in an Iron Man-like suit; fans nicknamed her Pepper Potts Sektor. In the opening scene of Khaos Reigns, the helmet’s interface pretty much resembles that of Iron Man. Just like with Cyrax, we’ve witnessed a new timeline change where Sektor’s been swapped with an Asian woman and she’s following orders from Sub-Zero who’s the Grandmaster of both the Lin Kuei. In this timeline, Sektor’s father isn’t clans Grandmaster but an Armorer her mother was a leading warrior. Madam Bo her mother was a restaurant owner in MK1. 

Mortal Kombat 1 Sector no suit

Sektor, Cyrax, and Sub-Zero together with the rest of the clan attack Scorio’s wedding to destroy their clan. The plan was as always the Cyber initiative but the plan didn’t succeed and they were all captured. Sub-Zero was taken by Khaos to his universe and transformed into Noob using Kamidogu. Sektor joined Liu Kang’s forces to defeat Khaos. Liu Kang promised to cure Noob of his evil and he called Sektor a new Grandmaster of Lin Kuei. She met Quan Chi and he asked her to retrieve an amulet (of Shinnok) for him. He promised to help her destroy the opposing clan. When she entered the Temple and defeated all the guards, she found Bi-Han (Sub-Zero turned Noob) in there. She swore revenge on Liu Kang as he didn’t cure but rather cast away Bi-Han, or this was yet another Quan Chi’s deception?

Sektor Mortal Kombat 1: Khaos

The most iconic Sektor‘s move, weapon/superpower, and fatality are: 

Special Move: Tactical Redeploy – Sektor flies up in the air and comes back above the enemy crushing it so the enemy bounces off the ground. 

Weapon/ Superpower:  Unguided Rocket – A rocket launcher comes out of the back of her suit and fires an unguided missile. 

Fatality: Sektor’s Second Fatality – Sektor punches an opponent in the face, grabs them, and turns on her flying boosters. As she flies through the atmosphere, the opponent freezes, and she takes a turn back to the planet. As she’s re-entering the atmosphere, the opponent’s body is burned away. Finally, she makes a hard landing with smoke and dust flying all around, but nothing’s left of the opponent’s body.

All Image Credits go to NetherRealm Studios.

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