Beast Tribe in Hearthstone Battlegrounds

hearthstone battlegrounds beast minions

Since we have spoken about the best Beast builds in Hearthstone Battlegrounds guide, here we will focus on each minion separately. The tricky part with beasts is that, unlike some other tribes like Demons, not all units have a clear synergy with one another. Basically, all Beast minions can be divided into two types: inflict/receive damage type and Deathrattle: summon type. We will talk about this discrepancy and how you can combine those minions so check out the full beast minion tribe guide in HS BG.

Tier 1 Beast Minions 


Manasaber beast minion HS BG

Manasaber is a niche tier 1 Beast minion. Getting him on turn 1 is not really the best idea because, although he does have high attack, his Deathrattle won’t do anything on it’s own. It’s fine to get him later on, if you have Humming Bird or need summons for other reasons but on turn 1, you should skip him. Manasaber has it’s uses in early game but generally speaking, this minion is not to be used and sold after few turns since his potential is not high. 

Trusty Pup

Trusty Pup beast minion

Trusty Pup is a great tempo minion. His attack will scale rapidly and if you can get him early on that would be great. Trusty Pup will basically be your Leeroy in the early game – there aren’t many options when it comes to increasing his defense so he will probably die as soon as something touches him, but his attack will also manage to tackle whatever minion (without Divine Shield) he fights with. 

Tier 2 Beast Minions 

Humming Bird

Humming bird

Another niche Beast minion is the Humming Bird. Although its card text doesn’t seem so strong, early on he is really a force to be reckoned with. The trick is to have either Silver Goose, Manasaber, or Rat Pack and perhaps a cheap Taunt Tavern Spell on one of them. In this way, all your summons will have an additional 2 attack buff which is really powerful early on. Just be sure to organize your board in a way that all your summons happen first and Humming Bird dies last if possible. 

Silver Goose 

silver goose

Silver Goose has been introduced into Beast tribe in Season 7 of Hearthstone Battlegrounds. This minion is useful in early and mid-game especially if you play against Undead builds or Mech builds. Even if that’s not the case, just for the sake of tempo you should get Silver Goose. Later on, if you are opting for a comp that includes Spiked Savior you should sell Silver Goose because its card text will happen before Reborn meaning that instead of reborned Spiked Savior you might end up with Fledgling on board. 

Irate Rooster

irate rooster

Irate Rooster is another great tempo unit in Beast tribe. This rooster has high stats and a nice buff capability even if you are not running a self-inflicting beast composition. Generally speaking, this minion is useful throughout the game; early on its +4 Attack Buff is good for tempo; later on, if you can’t get a Rampager, Rooster can be a replacement for self-inflicting damage buffs. 

Tier 3 Beast Minions 

Monstrous Macaw

Monstrous sMacaw HS BG

Monstrous Macaw, although a tier 3 minion, is actually a late-game unit. You don’t really need him early on except for some niche Deathrattle effects; however, later, combined with Titus, Savior, and Skyblazer, this minion is a true beast. Not only that, but it has been buffed in one of the previous patches and now his card text allows you to choose (most of the time) which Deathrattle you want to trigger. 



Rampager is one of the key self-inflicting damage beasts. Early on, he can be paired with Silver Goose and Leasher for tempo. In late late-game phase, you really need Skyblazer in order for Rampager effect to make sense. It’s pretty straightforward: Put Rampager somewhere on the left side and Skyblazer on the right and watch how he buffs all your beast minions. 

Silithid Burrower

Silithid Burrower, in all honesty, is not a very good unit. This beast minion is very niche and most of the time, you will have better options to go for. The thing is, you can’t really buff his Deathrattle effect (except with Scarab and Macaw and even then it’s not so great). Just think about the units that you will be buffing – if you are in a mid-game phase, then most of your units are to be sold later on anyway and don’t need this kind of slow, permanent buffs. If you are in late-game, these kinds of buffs are too slow and you will probably lose if Silithid Burrower is your main stat buff option. 

Rat Pack

rat pack

Rat is good. No I mean really, Rat Pack is a great minion to have, especially early on. Combined with Humming Bird, the rats that he summons will be super annoying for your opponent. Even in Battlegrounds Duos, he is great to be paird with Grave Narrator if you are playing a support. Later on, along with Mechanized Horse, his effect stacks nicely with Goldrinn, the Great Wolf. 

Sprightly Scarab

sprightly scarab

Sprightly Scarab is the easiest minion to use – this Beast will give permanent Reborn to one of your other beast units and you will sell it afterwards. The Taunt option is also there, but there are spells that are far cheaper to use. 

Tier 4 Beast Minions 

Mechanized Gift Horse

mechanized gift horse

Mechanized Gift Horse is a powerful unit that has equal usage in both Beast and Mech comps. In Beast comps, this minion is best paired with Goldrinn, the Great Wolf as his effect will stack with Mechanized Gift Horse Deathrattle. 

Prime Mate

prime mate

Prime Mate is a very niche economy minion. The problem is the Tavern Tier of this unit – you really don’t need any kind of slow unit at this phase. Sure, you can get a few coins with it, but in case you are running a Deathrattle: Summon build, you already lack defenses and the last thing you need is this Beast-Pirate unit to occupy another place. 

Rylak Metalhead

Rylak Metalhead

Rylak is one of the best minions in Hearthstone Battlegrounds, period. There are so many usages of this unit that we could write an entire article on this topic. Basically, every Battlecry minion can be paired with Rylak, especially Demons, Quilboars, and Undeads. In fact, Rylak is probably more useful in any other comp than Beast – because there are no Battlecry Beast units. 

Trigore the Lasher

trigore the lasher

Trigore the Lasher is another new minion, introduced in Season 7. It has been changed and reworked several times but this thing is still pretty strong especially when you consider the fact that having high defense is one of the most difficult things in the current game meta. Any time any of your other beasts receive damage (and since all of them either summon or inflict damage that will be quite often), Trigore the Lasher gets +2 Health. Most of the time, this will be your strongest unit on board. 

Tier 5 Beast Minions 

Iridescent Skyblazer

iridesecent skyblazer

Iridescent Skyblazer is a key unit for self-inflicting beast composition. There are no other units to replace this one as this is your main source of stat boosts and you have to have it. We already talked about its synergy with Rylak, Macaw, and Spiked Savior so give it a shot. 

Octosari, Wrap God

octosari wrap god

Octosari, Wrap God is another Deathrattle: Summon type of beast minion in Battlegrounds. This thing can get so ramp-up that it can easily become your strongest unit on board. The trick is to get it early on and to pair it with other Deathrattle: Summon beast minions. There is one downside of this unit that you should be aware of – the Reborn that you cast with Scarab will not stack with Octosari’s Tentacle meaning that the reborened Octosari will summon an 8/8 Tentacle, not the buffed one

Spiked Savior

spiked savior

Spiked Savior is another key unit for self-inflicting Beast strategies. It doesn’t matter where you put this unit – his Deathrattle, paired with Skyblazer’s effect, will buff your other Beast units. If you can, throw Titus Rivendare on board as well – and watch how Macaw triggers Spiked Savior’s Deathrattle several times. 

Tier 6 Beast Minions 

Ghast Coiler

Ghast Coiler is a very niche unit that is usually used when all other options fail. This is a type of scam unit that shouldn’t be relied on. There is no build or tactics to go for with this one as his Deathrattle is extremely RNG – you might get 2 Leeroys or you might get 2 Manasabers; it’s up to RNG gods what happens. 



Ghoul-acabra is another new unit in Beast tribe that was introduced a month ago. The unit is … okeish. The main issue that we have with this one is his high tier-slow buff Deathrattle effect meaning that, more often than not, by the time you get this minion, you will have completed your build and you won’t need it. 

Goldrinn, the Great Wolf

Goldrinn is back! A few seasons ago, this unit, paired with Frog and Bear (you still remember the frog sound, right?) were an absolute meta in the game. Now, he is back but in all honesty, the comeback came with a price; Goldrinn is now a niche unit that goes well with a niche beast build. Sure, if you can get your hands on him, Titus, Mech Horse, and a few other (high-tier) units, it can work. Other than that, he is pretty useless. 



We might be biased here, but this thing is completely useless. Untameabull is actually so tamable that even some of your self-inflicting beast minions will get his Divine Shield down. Furthermore, you can’t really rely on his effect as you don’t know what he will hit. In conclusion, don’t buy this unit unless you are like in turn 8 and somehow you can buy it. 

Tier 7 Beast Minion

Papa Bear

papa bear tier 7 minion in hearthstone battlegrounds

The only minion that tops Untamebull in its uselessness is Papa Bear. Just think about this – his Deathrattle summons 3 Mama Bears. Those Mama Bears are supposed to buff your further summons. If the board was twice larger than it is now, maybe this unit would be useful. Most of the time, you will just get one Mama Bear that will buff one or two of your minions that respawn and that’s it – for a Tier 7 unit that’s absolutely horrendous. Here is a nice rant post on reddit about how useful Papa Bear is. 

Image Credits: Blizzard Activision, Hearthstone

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