Helldivers 2: Explosive Weapons Guide [Summer 2024]

This weapon guide for the game will provide an overview of the explosive weapons in Helldivers 2. Not all weapons are equal in the game – and this guide will aim to show you the differences. Furthermore, we will try to answer the question “Can this gun carry me through Helldive?”. This article is up-to-date as of the Freedom’s Flame premium war bond, and we will update it accordingly as new patches arrive to the game. For more info on weapons in the game, as well as links to guides for other weapon categories, check out our previous Helldivers 2: Weapons Meta article.

CB-9 Exploding Crossbow

Explosive weapons in Helldivers 2: CB9 Explosive crossbow

When it comes to explosive weapons in Helldivers 2 the CB-9 Exploding Crossbow is a rather strange one. The crossbow fires bolts that create a 4-meter explosion at the point of impact. The explosion deals its full 150 damage in the first 2 meters of its radius and then falls off. On the other hand, the projectile itself deals 270 damage to enemies. Both the projectile and the explosion are medium armor penetrating, thus making them decent at dealing with mid-sized enemies. In short, the crossbow provides an interesting mix of AoE and single target capabilities.

The bolt is pinpoint accurate, but it’s heavily affected by gravity and has an incredibly slow initial velocity of just 100m/s. As a result, even in relatively close combat, you’ll have to account for gravity or lead the target if it’s moving. So although the bolt can travel quite far, it’s best to stick to close/mid-range with this one. The crossbow holds 5 bolts in its mag and comes with 8 spare mags. In terms of performance, the crossbow is hard to describe. It finds itself stuck between worlds, being able to do both crowd clear and single-target damage, but not being great at either. When it comes to AoE, the explosion is nothing special, but with a fire rate of 50 shots per minute it can be spammed to clear groups of low tier enemies.

This comes in great when fighting Terminids due to their reliance on swarm tactics. In terms of single-target damage, it can remove mid-sized enemies in a reasonable timeframe. However, thanks to its small mag size, you’ll find yourself reloading quite often. With a lengthy reload time of approximately 3.5s, you’ll really feel those seconds cut into your damage output. When it comes to factions, this is definitively best used against the bugs. Not only do they send more weaker enemies, but their heads are much easier to hit compared to automaton weakpoints. Against the automatons, its slow projectile requires way too much effort to hit weakpoints on some automaton units (namely devastator heads). A skilled Helldiver can use it somewhat effectively against the bots, but there are weapons that perform far better for way less effort.

On the plus side, the crossbow does have the ability to close bug holes, destroy automaton fabricators and open up containers, so it might be worth bringing for the utility alone. Since its inclusion, the crossbow has been labeled as a silent-type weapon. What this actually means in game has been somewhat difficult to test, especially where the wonky enemy AI is concerned, but there does seem to be some truth to it. If the player is concealed behind cover, the explosions can lure enemies away. Firing the crossbow will still see nearby enemies converge on your location, but they usually don’t take any aggressive action until they have seen the player. It’s also a one-handed weapon, meaning it can be used in conjunction with the Ballistic Shield stratagem.

Verdict: A somewhat unimpressive weapon that can do a little bit of everything, but is not great at anything. The utility it brings to the game is its best quality, and the main reason why someone would bring it along. Best stick to an anti-bug role with this one, but it can be used against bots when paired with the Ballistic Shield.

Unlocked: Page 3 of the Democratic Detonation premium war bond.
Total Cost: 310 medals. (230 medals to page 3 and 80 medals for the weapon)

JAR-5 Dominator

Explosive weapons in Helldivers 2: JAR-5 Dominator

While the JAR-5 Dominator belongs in the category of explosive weapons in Helldivers 2, it doesn’t actually cause explosions. The Dominator is a semi-auto gun that fires jet-propelled ammunition, and probably the closest thing the game has to a Bolter from WH40k. Its rounds deal an impressive 275 damage, have medium armor penetration, and deal a massive amount of stagger that can be used to stun lock enemies. The gun has a magazine size of 15 and comes with 6 spare mags. Not only does this mean it holds a high amount of total damage in its reserves, but with a fire rate of 250 it can output auto-shotgun levels of DPS. To put the Dominators power into perspective, it can kill a factory strider from full HP in two mags by shooting at its belly, a feat usually reserved for support weapons.

It does come with some caveats, however. While the projectile is pinpoint accurate, it’s also heavily affected by gravity, and it has a sluggish initial velocity of just 180m/s. The weapon also comes with no zoom magnification options, further limiting it to low-mid ranges. It kicks like a mule, handles like a brick when firing, and it has a 3.5 second long full reload animation. The recoil is strangely more manageable in first person, so learn to switch modes depending on what you want to shoot. Much like with the Crossbow before it on this list, you’ll have to learn to compensate for the projectiles in-flight behavior. However, it’s worth taking the time to get good, as the reward is one of the best single-target weapons in the game.

It’s high DPS and potent stagger also means you can brute force your way through engagements if there’s no time to aim properly. When it comes to fighting factions, the Dominators high damage output and accuracy, as well as medium armor penetration, make it good at taking on just about anything the game can throw at it. It’s unsurprisingly considered the king of anti-automaton weaponry by many helldivers. It can do good work against the bugs as well, but only bring it if you need a single-target option to round out your loadout. While it kills bugs great, be warned that its unwieldy nature can make fighting off swarms of small bugs a chore (especially hunters). It’s also one of the few primaries that can actually give you a fighting chance when going up against chargers, on account of it dealing above average damage to durable body parts.

Verdict: One of the best single-target weapons out there once you get accustomed to its sluggish projectiles. Definitely worth bringing on high difficulties. The star of the show in the category of explosive weapons in Helldivers 2.

Unlocked: Page 3 of the Steeled Veterans premium war bond.
Total Cost: 280 medals. (200 medals to page 3 and 80 medals for the gun)

R-36 Eruptor

Explosive weapons in Helldivers 2: R-36 Eruptor

The R-36 Eruptor fires jet assisted shells that explode in a wide area on impact. These shells used to be able to create shrapnel explosions, but that feature has since been removed. A shame, really, considering that was a standout feature among the explosive weapons in Helldivers 2.  Like with the crossbow, its damage is a mix of direct (projectile) and AoE damage, and both have medium armor penetration. The explosion deals a respectable 340 damage in an impressive 6-meter radius. Similar to the crossbow, the explosion’s damage begins to drop off after 2 meters, though. The projectile itself deals 230 damage. The Eruptor is a Bolt-Action operated weapon, which results in it having the lowest fire rate of any primary at just 25 RPM. Its projectile is pinpoint accurate with some moderate drop off at range and a slow initial velocity of 180m/s. However, this doesn’t mean much as the projectile self-destructs after flying approx 125 meters.

The Erruptor kicks like a mule and handles like a brick. This is once again made irrelevant due to its extremely slow fire rate. It carries 5 shells in its magazine and comes with 6 spare mags. To put it simply, the Eruptor is an accurate, slow, but hard-hitting weapon. It has had a somewhat turbulent history with buffs and nerfs all over the place. At the time of writing, the recent buffs have made the Eruptor a competent weapon once more, but it’s still not quite what it was. As mentioned previously, the low fire rate is its Achilles heel. However, the combo of projectile and AoE damage is potent enough that very few enemies will be able to withstand a shell or two.

One or two well-placed shells is usually all that it takes to bring down mid-sized enemies, with bile spewers and berserkers sometimes being the exception. The explosion, while it starts losing damage after 2 meters, is still powerful enough to clean small enemies in a significant radius. And so, the explosion will kill small bugs around the mid-sized targets you’re shooting at. This can also be used to kill targets during a bug breach, or to instakill low tier and damage medium automatons while they’re still attached to a dropship. Some other uses would be to shoot vents on cannons and tanks from odd angles, although this can be quite a slow process. The Eruptors explosion deals a massive amount of stagger to enemies inside its radius, further increasing its utility. Speaking of utility, it can close bug holes, destroy fabricators and open containers much like the crossbow.

Verdict: A solid all-round weapon whose interesting mix of utility, crowd clear and medium-sized target removal ensures the player has an answer to most things on the battlefield…even if it is a sluggish answer. Ultimately, It’s in a decent state, but still not quite the good version from before.

Unlocked: Page 2 of the Democratic Detonation premium war bond.
Total cost: 120 medals (60 medals to page 2 and 60 medals for the gun)

Final thoughts on explosive weapons in Helldivers 2

Much like with the energy-based category after this one, explosive weapons in Helldivers 2 are a pretty heterogeneous category. So far, explosive weapons in Helldivers 2 have been characterized by very low initial velocities on their projectiles, which make hitting weakpoints on distant targets an impressive feat, despite them being near pinpoint accurate. Not only that, but the due to the explosive component present on some of them, it’s important for players to know which body parts to shoot for maximum effectiveness.  In short, most are versatile and powerful weapons that demand a certain amount of skill from the user to be wielded effectively. Hopefully this guide on explosive weapons in Helldivers 2 was worth the read.

Image credit: Arrowhead Game Studios.

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