• Neutral Minions in Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 8

    Neutral Minions in Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 8

    In this article, we will focus on so-called “neutral minions”. These cards are either type “all” or type “none”. There are plenty of useful minions here and some of them can even be used as key minions for specific builds such as the ones that we described in our Battlegrounds guide. These types of builds…

  • Hearthstone Battlegrounds: Wheel of Yogg-Saron Explained!

    Hearthstone Battlegrounds: Wheel of Yogg-Saron Explained!

    If you are a fan of Hearthstone Battlegrounds, you might have encountered a strange reward called “Spin the Wheel of Yogg-Saron”. The Wheel of Yogg-Saron offers six various modifiers which we will be discussing today. We will keep this article short, just enough so that you can understand how the wheel works in Hearthstone Battlegrounds…

  • 10 Games Like They are Billions [2024]

    10 Games Like They are Billions [2024]

    In this article, we will try to find the best games like They Are Billions that are still playable in 2024. Sure, TAB is one of a kind and there is no argument there; but we will try to find the games that are similar to They Are Billions at least in terms of either…

  • Ultimate List of 20 Best Space TV Shows in 2024

    Ultimate List of 20 Best Space TV Shows in 2024

    When it comes to the best space TV shows, the competition is really fierce. There have been numerous shows that involved space and science fiction in their themes so we had difficulties filtering the ones that focused solely on space travel and revolving topics. Surely, one might argue that Stranger Things is a show that…

  • 15 Games Like Hearthstone To Play in 2024

    15 Games Like Hearthstone To Play in 2024

    We know how you feel. After a while it all becomes the same old thing – people play the same builds in Hearthstone Battlegrounds, the same Hearthstone meta decks keep popping out in Wild and Standard mode and you start looking at other options. Well, at least in our case, we always come back to…

  • Hearthstone Battlegrounds Heroes Tier List [Summer 2024]

    Hearthstone Battlegrounds Heroes Tier List [Summer 2024]

    Welcome to the Ultimate Hearthstone Battlegrounds Heroes Tier list – ranked from S to D Tier. As of summer 2024, there are 104 heroes available in Hearthstone Battlegrounds. The Tier placements of Heroes are done with only one question in mind – how probable is it that you will win or end up in the…

  • 15 TV Shows and Movies Like Legend of The Seeker [2024]

    15 TV Shows and Movies Like Legend of The Seeker [2024]

    If you enjoyed Legend of The Seeker and still can’t deal with the fact that the show was canceled before season 3 was released – you have come to the right spot. We prepared a short list of 15 TV shows and movies that are similar to our beloved Seeker, ranked from the least to…

  • Best 15 TV Shows About Time Travel [Summer 2024]

    Best 15 TV Shows About Time Travel [Summer 2024]

    There have been numerous TV shows about time travel in the past. Although some shows did have time travel included in part of their plot (like Marvel Agents of Shield), in this list we focused on series that have time travel as a basic premise of the show. With that in mind, we narrowed down…

  • Hearthstone Battlegrounds Duos Advanced Guide

    Hearthstone Battlegrounds Duos Advanced Guide

    Welcome to the strategy guide for Duos mode in Hearthstone Battlegrounds. In this article, we will explain the basic and advanced mechanics of duos, go through all the new “Duos-only” minions, heroes, and spells, as well as strategies, build examples, synergies, and other relevant things that you should know to progress in this new mode.…

  • Orc-estra Removed From Hearthstone Battlegrounds Duos

    Orc-estra Removed From Hearthstone Battlegrounds Duos

    As we might have guessed, there was no time to wait since the game was pretty much broken with her in play – on April 22nd, Orc-estra Conductor has been removed from the minion pool in Hearthstone Battlegrounds Arena. This news came from official Hearthstone Twiter stating that “Orc-estra Conductor has been temporarily removed from…