Ultimate Warcraft Rumble Tier List [Updated December 2023]

warcraft rumble tier list cover - minis and leaders

In this Warcraft Rumble tier list, we will rank every Leader and Mini in the game and provide some of our reasons for the given placements. It’s no secret that Warcraft Rumble is a chaotic game with many different play styles, Army compositions, builds, and a lot of counterplays. Given the fact that it is a new game, we will gloss over some of our thoughts on each Mini and Leader to provide you with some basics of what to expect from them. If you are just getting into the game, we suggest our Warcraft Rumble beginner guide in order to learn the basics first.

Note that in this tier list, we are speaking in generalities, and a lot of Army compositions can make certain things work (like Cheat Death) even though they scored low in our Warcraft Rumble tier list. The game is very dependent on what you are fighting against and how Minis in your Army are working together. That said, we will start with the Leaders and work our way to all the Minis, while explaining, in short, what we think of each Mini/Leader. Let us begin!

Leaders Tier List

S Tier

Baron Rivendare

Baron Rivendare

Baron’s special ability is what makes this Leader so good. Even if you don’t spend any gold, you will have constant Skeletons cluttering the map and making your opponent fight extra hard for any objective. Having that passive power to counter the enemy’s gold mining or opening chests is crucial, and that’s the main reason we see Baron so much in a lot of Warcraft Rumble PvP builds.

Cairne Bloodhoof

Cairne Bloodhoof

Cairne with only the Ankh Talent is extremely powerful in both PvE and PvP. The main idea of this Leader is to just fully support him and let him lead the charge. We are surprised to see that a lot of people think that he is in the lower D and C tiers because the value you get from 5 gold is one of the best of all Leaders.

Old Murk-Eye

Old Murk-Eye

Of course, when there is Warcraft, there are Murloc Leaders…mrglmrglmrgl! This Leader specializes in powerful ranged attacks, and his special ability is essentially a stampede of Murloc Tidehunters. Now, this is excellent if your opponent doesn’t have a good counter, but you can’t always know that. The main “issue with this Leader is that it’s a one-trick pony. You play him, and some other low-cost Minis, go in for the charge. While this is a simple mechanic, the gameplay tends to get a bit complicated with managing and holding Gold for the big wind-up. Nevertheless, he is very strong overall.

A Tier

Tirion Fordring

Tirion Fordring

Tirion is just good value. For only 4 gold, you get a tank that has a powerful AOE heal. That is a pretty good deal. If you combine him with an armored minion and a ranged nuker, you will have a very good Army composition. Moreover, stacking two Tirions is just a nightmare to deal with because of the huge healing output they provide.

Rend Blackhand

rend blackhand

This Leader can be a one-man Army. That said, it’s important to keep the Drake alive as much as possible. The special ability that “lowers the cost of all flying Minis by 1, but no less than 2” means that in order to get the full value of this Leader, you must include Harpies, Whelp Eggs, Gargoyle, or Drake in your Army composition.

Grommash Hellscream

warcraft rumble tier list - Grommash Hellscream

Grommash is a top-tier damage dealer and amplifier. It is essential to always have supporting Minis in order to get the full value out of the passive Bloodlust he gives and to enable him to actually get those heavy hits in. For example, just putting a Darkspear Troll behind him will create a very strong composition with a ton of DPS.

B Tier

General Drakkisath

General Drakkisath

General Drakkisath is a great frontline and his ability to amplify elemental damage adds a special spice to the playstyle. You will usually need to add Minis that deal elemental damage, like Bat Rider, Pyromancer, or something similar. Plus, don’t forget that Spells are also elemental damage; hence, something like Blizzard or Chain Lighting can work very well. The main game plan is to cast these spells once the enemy is in range for the debuff of Drakkisath’s passive ability.



Hoggers is mainly a late-game Leader, meaning he starts off pretty weak and becomes a monster as you summon him more and more. This is good for slow maps where you can keep certain positions and ward off enemies until Hogger ramps up his power. On the other hand, if your opponent is rushing you or gaining momentum very quickly on the map, you are in trouble. So he is somewhat situational, depending on the battle, but you can definitely make him work!

Jaina Proudmoore

Jaina Proudmoore

Jaina is a unique Leader because she’s the only one who forces you to have a few Spells in your Army composition. She essentially boosts these spells and is a powerful Ranged unit herself. We put her in the A tier on our Warcraft Rumble tier list because of her unique playstyle and the skill required to pull it off. Plus, given her cost, she is never a burden to the Army (like Rend Blackhand or other high-cost Leaders can sometimes be).

C Tier

Sylvanas Windrunnner

Sylvanas Windrunnner

While Sylvanas is cool and the abilities are nice on paper, (Haunt, Speed, Ranged,…) the overall feel of the Leader seems off. It can get countered very quickly, and the Banshee that is summoned most of the time is just killed before she gets to do anything. On top of that, the 6 gold cost is crazy compared to how quickly she dies from regular Minis.

Maiev Shadowsong

warcraft rumble Maiev Shadowsong

Maieg Shadowsong definitely has her use cases, and she has a very enticing play style. The main problem is that you are forced to summon Unbound Minis in order to play her correctly, and playing Unbound Minis randomly isn’t really great. Usually, these Minis are less powerful and will be decimated by any solid Army composition. On top of that, Maiev herself is very squishy.

Bloodmage Thalnos

Bloodmage Thalnos

This Leader shares the same main problem as Maiev and Sylvanas, and that is the lack of HP. Look, we get it, Thalnos is Ranged and has good DPS, it’s just that in a lot of situations, these Leaders will just get overwhelmed by random things your opponent throws at you.

D Tier

Chargla Razorflank

Chargla Razorflank

While we realize some people like this Leader, to us, Chargla is just annoying to play with. The constant shifting of gold costs and the Leaders overall lackluster abilities make it hard to actually like it for what it is. Although it has a unique play style, it’s just not reliable enough compared to a ton of other Leaders like Cairne or Baron. For this reason alone we put Chargla at the bottom of our Warcraft Rumble tier list.



While this Leader can be good on some PvE maps that have a lot of Towers that are important to capture, it just falls short on the overall execution on other maps where you actually have to fight on the open field a lot. We don’t really see that many benefits to going into full siege mode because you will still need to fight your opponent everywhere on the map.

Minis Tier List

S Tier

Defias Bandits

Defias Bandits

Arguably one of the best Minis in the game. Especially if you use them in PvP and take the “+2 Gold when opening chests” talent. For 1 gold, this is a very valuable Mini considering the fact that it has Stealth, Stun, and somewhat okay damage.

Darkspear Troll

Darkspear Troll

Simple yet extremely powerful, this Mini is a ranged single-target god. High DPS, long-range, and not costly. It’s especially good vs Drakes and similar Minis. There isn’t too much that can replace this Mini, since the need for a good DPS, long-range, single-target is always “in demand”.


S.A.F.E. Pilot

Huntress is one of the most versatile Minis in Warcraft Rumble. Her power lies in her flexibility in dealing with different enemies. The speed, AOE damage, and ability to attack ground and air make this Mini a very powerful pick for your Army. It’s a very good all-rounder and you can’t really go wrong with Huntress, that’s why it’s so high in our Warcraft Rumble tier list.

Stonehoof Tauren

Stonehoof Tauren

A solid tank has a reasonable cost, but what separates it is its Charge ability. While other tanks struggle against Ranged units like Darkspear Troll, Stonehoof Tauren kills them instantly with Charge. For 4 gold cost, this Mini is better than a lot of tanks in most scenarios, just for the fact that it has Charge.



Harpies are best used when you see a lot of Minis coming for you that don’t have anti-air. It’s the best Mini for “punishing” the lack of anti-air because of it’s high speed and DPS.

Murloc Tidehunters

Murloc Tidehunters

Very simple Ranged Minis that have one very important thing going for them: speed. If you want a Ranged Mini to take objectives like chests or catch up to your tank, Murloc Tidehunters is the way to go. Their 2 gold cost is also a very big plus.

Blackrock Pyromancer

Blackrock Pyromancer

This Mini is essentially an AOE version of Darkspear Troll, the downside is that it has a bit less range and DPS. Both Minis are better at certain scenarios and both of them are a top choice for any Army.


warcraft rumble Quillboar

This is basically a cheap, Unbound tank that you can put anywhere on the map. It comes in really handy for chests or for example when your Ranged units are left alone after your main tank died, you can just deploy Quillboar in front to be the new tank for the formation.


warcraft rumble ghoul

Ghoul is probably the most cost-effective tank in the game. The Cannibalize ability is just very powerful, especially considering his cost. If you pair him with something like a Blackrock Pyromancer, your enemies will have a hard time killing him while your backline deals damage.

A Tier



There is nothing too nuanced about this Spell. It has very good AOE damage, and it’s especially good against large amounts of expensive small Minis stacked up, like Harpies, and Whelps, but it does cost 4 gold. Nevertheless, with the Cold Snap Talent, this Spell is probably the best overall Spell in the game.

S.A.F.E. Pilot

S.A.F.E. Pilot

This Mini can do a lot. It can take out enemy backlines, capture chests, or just deploy a range unit. Being able to do all of the mentioned for only 3-cost is pretty good. Enemies got Harpies, stacked-up Skeletons, Murlocs, or any other low HP Minis? Just nuke them from the skies with “Safe” Pilot.

Frostwolf Shaman

Frostwolf Shaman

We are honestly torn on this one. On the one hand, it can provide the best support in the game with Heals and being able to cast a mini Chain Lighting. On the other hand, its 4 gold cost leaves you with only a few mana left to “spend” on the frontliner, plus the battlefield can get messy very fast and someone ambushing Frostwolf Shaman is a costly thing.

Chain Lighting

warcraft rumble tier list - Chain Lighting

There is nothing special to be said about this Spell. It does a decent amount of AOE damage and is very effective in clearing small Minis like Angry Chickens, Vultures, etc.


warcraft rumble tier list - worgen

The king of ambushing backlines. Worgen’s primary goal is to be deployed on the enemy Ranged Minis and wipe them out. It’s especially effective if you know how to use it correctly, or rather when to use it. The best way is to wait for the “main battle” to commence and just put this guy in the enemy’s backlines to disrupt and wipe them out.

Whelp Eggs

warcraft rumble tier list - whelp eggs

This unique Mini is very useful in most games. The primary objective of Whelp Eggs is to target units with no anti-air on the map. Just like Harpies, it will punish anything that doesn’t have anti-air firepower, and you can do it by deploying it anywhere on the map.



Prowler is kind of a perfect mixture of speed, health, and utility. This Tanks isn’t the strongest, but for its 3 gold cost and Charge ability, it is very useful for providing backup, rushing chests, countering ranged units, all the while being a solid unit with good speed and DPS.



If we could describe Banshee in one word, it would be situational. This Mini is excellent in some instances and useless in others. It really depends on your opponent’s lineup and Army composition. If they have Charge, or a lot of small Minis, Banshee will have a hard time. Nevertheless, the Possession mechanic is very powerful.

Dark Iron Miner

Dark Iron Miner

We know that this Mini is a bit controversial. While some say that it’s useless, others swear by it, especially in PvP. We know that securing Gold Mines is a very important thing in this game, and Dark Iron Miner really gives you that map supremacy over Gold Mines.

Bat Rider

While a lot of people don’t really like Bat Rider, we do. The overall efficiency against ground units is very good, especially if you take into account that it costs 2 gold. If you see any small ground Minis attacking your base or a Footman/Grunt/Skeleton Army, 1 Bat Rider is going to decimate them.

Plague Farmer

Plague Farmer

Similar to Bat Rider, this Mini specializes in fighting against Ground Minis. The fact that it also costs 2 gold, has AOE, and is poisonous is a good enough reason to consider this Mini for your Army.



Necromancer is a very robust Mini, meaning it can be a big annoyance to almost any Minis. The constant rise of Skeletons, high Necromancer health, and a powerful single-target ranged attack make it very useful in most situations. It’s just one of those Minis that don’t need much support, which is rare in this game.

B Tier



Gargoyle is a unique Mini that is Flying and Siege at the same time. When played correctly, it can be extremely annoying to deal with. It not only had huge DPS against Towers, but it is very tanky and can distract enemy Ranged Minis in crucial situations.

Earth Elemental

Earth Elemental

Earth Elemental is a hit-or-miss Mini. It’s primary goal is suprise the enemy by “ambushing” Towers. This objective-based playstyle is very risky, because you essentially trade a lot of gold for Tower damage. Your opponent can then stack up an overwhelming Army that will take control of the map, and that you can’t deal with because you spent your limited gold for this Mini. On the other hand, it can take Towers and win key positions on the map instantly, so it’s a mixed bag.

Gryphon Rider

Gryphon Rider

This Mini is just a simple, good, low-cost all-rounder. It has Flying and can attack both Gorund and Air, so while it doesn’t have the best Damage, Speed, or other unique capabilities, it does have a good cost-to-power ratio, and we could’ve given it higher rankings in our Warcraft Rumble tier list, but we found other similar cost Minis a bit more useful.



Having Abomination or any other 6 gold Mini is always risky. You can get countered with Harpies or Whelps instantly and lose your precious high-cost unit. On the other hand, with the right support, it can be powerful. Abomination does have things that “excuse” its 6 cost. High HP, Cleave, and the ability to Hook the enemy backline are all good reasons to go for this Mini and make an Army to support it.

Warsong Raider

Warsong Raider

We kind of don’t like this Mini, but it has its uses. It’s tanky, it has good speed, and it’s a Siege Mini. The overall idea is to take objectives with it, while having the flexibility to fill out other roles like being a mini tank, or a high-speed support reinforcement.



Polymorph is the best disable Spell in the game. The best use of it is to cast it when a big clash happens between you and the opponent’s Army. The main downside is simple, the 3 gold cost can arguably be spent on something more “reliable” like the S.A.F.E. Pilot that perhaps has more use cases than Polymorph. Nevertheless, it can fit some playstyles nicely and we are reluctant to put it lower in our Warcraft Rumble tier list because it really is a nice disable Spell.


warcraft rumble tier list execute

Execute is a very powerful spell that is really useful in most situations, especially in PvE. Taking out big enemies, tanks, Towers, dealing damage to groups of Minis or just chipping away at the enemy Boss HP are all the things that this spell can be used for. We really recommend you try it, and we even had some Heroic Bosses that were defeated just by spamming Execute. To be honest, this Spell can even go to higher tiers in our Warcraft Rumble tier list, given its 3 cost and huge damage output.

Meat Wagon

Meat Wagon

A classic Warcraft unit, Meat Wagon is a very “backlineish” type of Mini. It is good for pushing and putting pressure on your opponent to react. The biggest challenge here is how exactly you support this Mini and keep it alive.

Harvest Golem

Harvest Golem

This tank Mini is an interesting choice since it has a built-in resurrection ability. At first glance, this Mini doesn’t have anything that unique, but the chicken Talent is what makes it next level.

Gnoll Brute

Gnoll Brute

There is nothing too special and flashy about this Mini. You really can’t go wrong too much with it and maybe it even deserves a B Tier, but it’s just bland and doesn’t offer any unique factor to the Army composition.

Smoke Bomb

Smoke Bomb

This Spell has a very niche use case. It can be used to avoid counterattacks, for example, if you cast Smoke Bomb on a Stonehoof Tauren, and the enemy counters it with Harpies, the Tauren will pass through them until he reveals himself at the first ground target he sees. Moreover, you can place it on something like a Gargoyle and he will reveal himself only when he gets to enemy towers. So all in all, a niche spell that has its uses when played correctly.

C Tier

Goblin Sapper

goblin sapper

These Siege Minis are kind of cool, but it’s a shame they are so easy to kill. Don’t get us wrong, they can be useful in taking Towers in certain scenarios, but a lot of times they just feel like a burden to your Army, especially when you want to push or are in a defensive mode.

Molten Giant

molten giant warcraft rumble

Nothing too crazy going on with this Mini. It’s essentially a very tanky tank, and it can crush Towers easily, the problem is its cost. For 6 gold, you essentially get a big punching bag with no real utility, and that’s a big problem.



This is a weird Mini. It feels like a Darkspear Troll, but its specialty is dealing with Armored Minis. Honestly, it’s kind of bad because there aren’t that many Armored units, and even if it encounters them, the damage isn’t really there. It can be used in PvE in certain scenarios, but even then, there are better alternatives.



If you need Armor, HP, and pushing power, Footmen is the way to go. They are strong in certain PvE scenarios where you need that extra armor and HP. On the other hand, the fact is that a lot of things in this game have good AOE damage, so naturally, Footmen will suffer. For 5 gold cost, they just have way too many counters and that’s why we rank it so low in the Warcraft Rumble tier list.



This Mini is good against large tanky ground units. The stack-up with poison is very quick, and it will shred through a lot of Minis. The main problem is that those Minis that Spiderlings are good against oftentimes have some sort of AOE capability, or a support Mini in the backline with AOE.


Warcraft Rumble tier list - vultures

Vultures are good on paper but hard to execute in practice. You basically need to put them in a situation where they can freely kill Minis and multiply without any interference. When this happens, they are very valuable and annoying to deal with, but a lot of times they just get shot down with random Ranged Minis without doing too much.


Warcraft Rumble mountanieer

This Mini can sometimes be very powerful if the scenario is right. The Sniper can shoot down air threats, and the Bear is a decent tank. The problem is that for 6 gold, the sniper is very weak, and ambushing him will make the Bear pretty useless. Plus, sometimes the Sniper will heal the Bear instead of shooting down immediate threats, which makes this Mini unreliable.


Warcraft Rumble drake

Drakes are excellent against squad Minis and have decent Talents. The main issue is the cost of this Mini and how easily it can be countered by something like a Darkspear Troll. It can be good when played correctly, but often times it’s just too squishy for its cost and overall power.

Ogre Mage

Warcraft Rumble ogre mage

This Mini fills a unique role that is best described as a tanky Pyromancer with Bloodlust. It can be good when combining it with a frontline that benefits from Bloodlust a lot, like Cairne Bloodhoof, but the main downside is its cost.


Warcraft Rumble skeletons

Skeletons are kind of underwhelming. It just feels like they’re better options for the same cost than to do things more efficiently, like a Quillboar. Skeletons just have too little HP and a delay when spawning, so simple plays like trying to go for a backline can backfire a lot of times.

Holy Nova

Warcraft Rumble holy nova

This Spell is best used while there is fighting going on. To get the full potential of it, use it on your and your opponent’s Minis at the same time. While this can be powerful, a lot of times you will be forced to use this spell for other things, and its 3 gold cost doesn’t help at all, especially when you compare it to something like Chain Lighting.


Warcraft Rumble flamewalker

While this Mini is good in theory, there is a better alternative, the Blackrock Pyromancer. Yeah, this Flamewaker does have more damage and a better AOE, but the 4 gold cost is somewhat iffy, especially compared to other anti-ground AOE Minis like Plague Farmer and Bat Rider.

Arcane Blast

Warcraft Rumble tier list - arcane blast

Arcane Blast is a very gold-hungry Spell. It can be used to wipe out small Minis or finish something off, but you will usually have to cast it twice or even three times, which costs a lot of gold. Do note that Jaina Proudmoore can make this Spell work given her special ability; using this Spell in a Jaina Army composition is definitely not C Tier.

D Tier

Cheat Death

Warcraft Rumble cheat death

While this spell has its uses, the overall feel of it is that it doesn’t do much in most cases, and being dependent on it can be very risky, with no decent rewards. It can be used against certain special bosses in PvE, but it’s very situational, and we don’t recommend you use it in your “every day” Army.

Fire Elemental

Warcraft Rumble elemental fire

If we had to describe this Mini in two words, it would be bland and expensive. It’s not that bad, but there are a ton of better options with more utility and unique abilities. It is good in certain scenarios if you need an AOE tank that deals elemental damage, but that’s pretty much it.

Core Hounds

Warcraft Rumble core hounds

This Mini is probably one of the worst in the game. The idea is good on paper, but there are big problems with the rebirth ability. If Core Hound one dies, the other one stops attacking until the dead one is reborn, and it’s reborn with 50% HP. Usually, the rebirth never happens, and the second one will just die. All that for 6 gold, no thanks. Maybe it would be good with the combo of Core Hounds and Frostwolf Shaman, but then again, that is a 10-gold cost combo.

Angry Chickens

Warcraft Rumble angry chickens

While they can be good sometimes, it’s usually a waste of an Army slot, and there are better alternatives out there that do the same job. Yes, Angry Chickens are cheap, but with the chaotic nature of the battlefield, they are going to die from random sources, and you would be better off putting in Spiderlings, Bat Rider, Plague Farmer, Harpies, or something similar if you want something anti-ground.

Skeleton Party

Warcraft Rumble Skeleton Party

A very niche Mini will allow you to spawn an Army of Skeletons anywhere on the map. The main problem is that the Skeletons themselves are not really strong. Literally, any AOE damage will wipe them out, and that is unacceptable. Putting a 2-gold Mini like Bat Rider or Plague Farmer when your opponent plays Skeleton Party will just instantly counter it.

Living Bomb

Warcraft Rumble tier list - living bomb d tier

While this Spell in itself is very powerful, the main issue is obvious, and that is the extremely high gold cost. You will essentially need to cut down your whole Army cost in order to actually have the room to play this spell. The Spell itself is very good when it works, but it will drain your resources, and if your opponent has solo big Minis, it’s useless. All in all, it can be good in some situations, but the cost of it is very annoying.


Warcraft Rumble raptors

Raptors are okay, but their overall low HP, combined with their lack of real special abilities, makes them not an ideal choice. They can work in some Army compositions, but rarely do you think “Oh this Army needs Raptors”. They are just not that great, considering their cost, damage, and lack of unique abilities, hence why they are so low in our Warcraft Rumble tier list.

Warsong Grunts

Warcraft Rumble tier list - Grunts

Warsong Grunts are just one of those Minis that are meh. They are tanky, but that’s pretty much it. The high gold cost and lack of additional utilities or special abilities are not great for that kind of price and that’s why it deserves a bad place in our Warcraft Rumble tier list. There is nothing inherently wrong with this Mini, it’s just too expensive for its simple role and lack of flexibility.

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