In this guide, we will explain each individual Murloc from the Murloc comp, and go into a bit of detail on how they interact with the rest of the tribe, whether are they good enough, and how exactly should you play them. Note that this is not an overall build guide since we have that in our main Battlegrounds strategy guide Murloc comp. Here, we will go into a bit more detail about Murloc comp and dissect (no pun intended) them for what they have to offer.
Tier 1 Murlocs
The 1/5 stats are nice at the beginning of the game for Tempo, especially if you give him a bit of attack somehow. His ability is okay, but again, don’t try to force play early Murlocs just to get a few attack stats in, it never ends well.
Saltscale Honcho
If you have no other options to take and have at least one more Murloc on the board, Saltscale Honcho is fine for start. His ability will not scale rapidly – actually he won’t scale at all but that extra 1 health can really make a difference during the first few turns. That being said, you don’t want this minion on board later on, he is to be sold and replaced by something more useful.
Tier 2 Murlocs
Blazing Skyfin
This minion is fine because you will probably find useful Battlecry minions in the next few turns, plus it is a nice minion to have in the later stages of the game. If you transition to full battlecry Murlocs, Blazing Skyfin will gain a lot of stats from it. He can be used in Dragon comps as well, especially if you are going for full Dragon Battlecry comp.
Murcules is basically a tempo minion that works well with Los Prince as well as some other tribe minions. It is very situation and there is no right or wrong advice here as it highly depends on your state of the game and what you have in your hand. Generally speaking, it is fine to use Murcules during early mid-game phase and replace it later with a more powerful Murloc minion.
Very good in the late stages when you need to just play Murlocs for Bream Counter, and it’s good for the classic scenario of turn 3, where you have 5 Gold, and you buy Tad, sell him, and buy one more minion. You essentially get a random Murloc for 2 Gold, which is fine.
Parched Wanderer
Parched Wanderer is one of those buy-use-sell Murloc minions. It’s Battlecry ability is not super strong but it’s fine if you, for example, want to target Murcules early on and buff him up so that he can buff something in your hand.
Tier 3 Murlocs
Diremuck Forager
This is the first Murloc (first as in the game phase) that enables you to actually hold a minion in your hand and play him at the same time. Diremuck Forager works fine with both, Los Prince and Bream Counter although you want to replace him as soon as you find Bassgill. Keep in mind that you need one empty space in the beginning of the turn for Diremuck Forager to summon a minion.
Puddle Prancer
We go over this minion in our Battlegrounds Duos guide, but we did want to mention him here too. Basically, he is very good for tempo and for just a few Gold, you can have a strong 20/20+ minion if you are lacking firepower in the mid-game. Do also note that Duos mechanics like Portal in a Bottle also count as a Pass and trigger his stat-gaining ability, which is very cool.
Scoufin is extremely powerful if you get a Diremuck Forager or Bassgill early on. Just make sure you put him in the left-most frontlines and perhaps Taunts on him, because the +5/+5 ability can grant you a ton of stats and momentum early on. In the late stages, he is still fine, but the mid-game and tempo building is where he shines the most.
Tier 4 Murlocs
Bassgill is essential to all Murloc builds and he is a better more “late-game friendly” version of Diremuck Forager. Once you have Bream Counter, you will want to summon him from your hand, and Diremuck Forager isn’t the best since you need one free space at the beginning of the battle, this is where Bassgill comes in and does that job perfectly.
Bream Counter
The bread and butter of your army. This Murloc is the key minion that everything else revolves around. Basically, if you have two of these in your hand, Brann Bronzebeard, Primalfin Lookout, and Young Murk-Eye, you can start printing Murlocs and just playing them and gaining massive stats on your Bream Counters in your hand. Finally, finding Choral Mrrrgl is the key as he copies all the stats in your hand (your two buffed Bream Counters) and Bassgills to summon the buffed Bream Counters.
Depraved Felfin
Depraved Felfin is another new minion in Season 8 when it comes to Murloc units. This guy can scale quiet well, although his main synergy comes from one specific hero Mr Bigglesworth! This synergy is just insane and your whole strategy should be to just play defensively and collect Felfins until everyone starts dying and your Felfins get crazy buffs. On a regular board, Depraved Felfin works well with comps that allow you a lot of discover (Brann Murlocs and certain types of Demons).
Fairy Gillmother
There is nothing fancy about this Murloc – Fairy Gillmother gives you one (or more if Golden or Drakkari buffed) random Murloc unit each turn. It can be useful early on, but later you really don’t want this on your board, there are many other murlocs that are far more useful.
‘Los Prince
The only Murloc minion with Divine Shield is Los Prince. If you can get him early on and use it as a hand-scam type of a unit, that would be great. Later, he just doesn’t scale well enough so he should be replaced with Bream Counter if possible.
Tier 5 Murlocs
King Bagurgle
King Bagurgle works very well with Brann and Young Murk-Eye, there is no doubt about that. The problem is that you can easily get “stuck” in this Battlecry stat gain route, which somehow always ends up being inferior to the “hand build”. Since you only have so much space, getting Primalfin Lookouts besides Young Murk-Eyes is more than likely a better route to go. You will have more gold, and the late-game potential is huge with Choral Mrrgls. Nevertheless, this is a good minion and you should pick it up, especially if you have Brann.
Operatic Belcher
Murlocs seem to lack the scam potential they once had, and Operatic Belcher is the only Murloc with this power, with the additional Deathrattle effect to grant someone else Venomous also. It is bad against stuff like Divine Shields, Undeads, and Summoning Beasts. On the other hand, it is pretty good if you have empty space on the board, and if the enemy is playing something like Demons (pure stats, no summons, Divine Shields, etc.).
Primalfin Lookout
This is the key minion to get a lot of Murlocs. He alone isn’t anything special, especially at Tier 5 with those stats, but combining him with Young Murk-Eye and Brann is where the real fun begins. You will be able to have 15+ Gold each turn and buff up your Bream Counters in your hand a lot.
Tier 6 Murlocs
Choral Mrrrgl
This card is just straight-up very good. Having two Bream Counters in your hand isn’t anything too difficult to get, and just by getting Choral Mrrrgl, you will get all those juicy stats from your hand. He is the top priority in the “hand Murloc” build.
Murky specializes in the Murloc “battlecry build”. The ability is pretty straightforward and the main problem with Murky is that he is Tier 6, meaning that you will need to find a few of these and perhaps a Golden Young Murk-Eye + Brann, in order to be actually competitive in the late-game. The problem is that if you’re using both spaces of Young Murk-Eye for this, you won’t have resources as you would with Primalfin Lookout to find more key minions and more Gold, which is a big minus.
Young Murk-Eye
We mentioned this Murloc a lot in this guide, and rightfully so. He is the core of late-game Murlocs because the “trigger adjected battlecry” ability is essential and just too good to pass on, even if you are not playing a Murloc comp. He can be utilized with something like Gem Smuggler if you can’t find an alternative way to get Blood Gems on your Quills. Overall, a very powerful Murloc.
Mrglin’ Burglar
Mrglin Burglar, apart from the funny namy and the goofy looks, really is a strong minion to get, especially in mid-game. This guy has a great synergy with any kind of buy-sell Murloc strategy that you simply must have him if you want to buff up your hand scam nicely. The only downside is that his power is random so you can’t control on which units you get the buffs.
Tier 7 Murlocs
Tide Oracle Morgl
At the risk of stating the obvious, this Murloc is rarely seen in the game, because the only way to get him is with Thorim, Stormlord. He is the only minion that has Posionus, which means he will kill anything that he hits (unlimited charges), unlike Venomous, which triggers only the first hit (has only one charge). The special ability is very interesting because it can boost the Murlocs in your hand (eg. Bream Counter) by a ridiculous amount. If he happens to attack a 200/200, suddenly, your Bream Counter in your hand will gain +200/+200 permanently, which just feels very powerful. All that said, he is Tier 7 so you won’t see him in most of the games.
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