Quilboar Tribe in Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 9

hearthstone battlegrounds season 9 quilboar minions

We are all aware of how weird and prone to changes Quilboar comps in Hearthstone Battlegrounds are at the moment. In this guide, we will analyze every Quilboar minion and give tips on what you can do to utilize this tribe most effectively. Keep in mind that in Season 9 Quilboars are one of those high-risk-high-reward tribes as their main weakness is the low mid-game survivability. If you can overcome this, and manage to buff your Quilboars properly, you will probably be in the top three players in Battlegrounds. Without further ado, check out the entire Quilboar tribe in HS Battlegrounds.

Tier 1 Quilboar Minions

Razorfren Geomancer

Roazorfen Geomancer

Razorfen Geomancer is not a very versatile minion. His Battlecry ability is pretty weak through the game – early on, this basically means that he has 4/2 which is okeyish but just for the first few turns. Later on, there are plenty of minions that generate Blood Gems more efficiently. You should focus on other minions so the best idea is to skip this one. Another thing that doesn’t go in Geomancer’s best interest is the fact that generally speaking, it’s better to have higher defense on lower levels because of all Deathrattle,Reborn, and Divine shield minions that your opponent probably has. 

Sun-Bacon Relaxer

Sun bacon relaxer

Sun-Bacon Relaxer is a Quilboar minion that has been in a strange place for a very long time. The problem with this one is that it’s pretty useless to buy just for stats and survivability. All kinds of Quilboar comps rely heavily on high-tier units and late-game builds thus making Sun-Bacon Relaxer obsolete. The only usability is to buy and sell him for +2/+2 Blood Gem buff early on. However, with the addition of Hot Air Surveyor in season 5, if you focus on out-of-hand Bloodgem cast tactics, he can be a bit useful later on. 

Tier 2 Quilboar Minions

Briarback Bookie

Briarback Bookie is nice for the long run if you get him early on, because the extra Gem really pays off after a few turns. Of course, he can be combined with Drakkari for the extra gems, but all in all it’s not that powerful.

Crater Miner

Crater miner is not that special. In the early stages of the game, either one of these choices isn’t really that impactful, but 2 Blood Gems are not bad if you happen to buff them a bit. Do keep in mind that in the late game with Turbo Hogrider, he goes very well because the choose one effect triggers the effect of the Hogrider.

Tier 3 Quilboar Minions

Crystal Infuser

Crystal Infuser is an extremely powerful Quillboar if you happen to get it in the early to mid stages of the game. The choose one is pretty much always the Deathrattle blood-generating effect. Moreover, in the later stages of the game he can be used as a cycling minion, and then the instant 3 Blood Gems are nice, and the choose one effect will of course trigger the Turbo Hogrider’s effect.

Fearless Foddie

Fearless Foddie is great for both tempo boosting and late-game phases. If you have a good economy, sometimes you can just buff blood gems by using Foodie(s) which is just awesome for Quilboars. In case you rely on out-of-hand Blood Gems, Foodie is your guy as he will give you 3 Blood Gems once you play him. 


Bannerboar is a great, high-end Quilboar minion that is essential in an end-of-turn type of comp. His ability can and should be buffed up by Drakkari Enchanter and possibly with Eyes of the Earthmother as well. If you go for Quilboars try to get Bannerboar as soon as you can. 

Tier 4 Quilboar Minions

Boar Gamer

Boar Gamer is, as you already guessed, a generating quill boar that is essential for the Choose 1 build and is generally a must-pick at the mid-stages of the game.

Gem Rat

Gem Rat is one of the main ways that you will get your gems powerful and it works very well with Thorned Trailblazer or of course Drakkari Enchanter. Getting a few of these is enough for your gems to be powerful even in the endgame. Gem Day is a spell that lets you choose one of the following effects, either get +1 Attack or +1 Defense on your blood gems, and that is considered as a choose one effect. Just keep this in mind because of the Turbo Hog Rider’s effect.

Thorned Trailblazer

Thorned Trailblazer is also one of the essential minions in the choose one build because it can buff a lot of things, for example, Fearless Foodie will trigger both effects at the same time which is pretty good, the same goes for all the other Choose One effects. All in all it’s a pretty good minion to have.

Gem Smuggler

gem smuggler

Another type of Quilboar build is the one that focuses on Gem Smuggler, Brann, and Young Murk-Eye. The main issue with this comp is the fact that it simply gets too clunky sometimes but it is still very viable and powerful. Gem Smuggler is good even if you simply cast and sell it because that means that you get 6 Blood Gems for 2 gold which is very effective. 

Tier 5 Quilboar Minions 

Bongo Bopper 

bongo bopper

Simply put, Bongo Bopper is awesome. Having at least 4 Blood Gems every turn and being able to get buffed up by Drakkari Enchanter is what makes this Quilboar minion so powerful. Later on, if you scale your Blood Gems properly, Bongo Bopper will probably be your strongest unit in terms of stats on board. 

Three Lil Quilboar

Three Lil Quilboar

Three Lil’ Quilboar is a nice tempo-boosting minion that has its uses in later game phases as well. You can pair him with Titus Rivendare but usually, this will take up too much space and is not that effective. The best use of this guy is to renew the Divine Shield on Tough Tusk and provide additional support in that way. 

Tier 6 Quilboar Minions

Turbo Hogrider

Turbo Hogrider is pretty much one of the most powerful minions in Battlegrounds because the effect is just too strong. If you have a few of Choose One cards and with this build you probably will have, the Turbo Hogrider will play Blood Gems on all your other Quillboars, which is extremely powerful. As we already mentioned, combining him with the other Choose One type Quillboars like Thorned Trailblazer, Jammerat, Boregamer, Fearless Foodie, Crystal Infuser, and Crater Miner will probably get you the best endgame build in Battlegrounds.



Chargla is pretty straightforward and he works well with the old end-of-turn Quillboar build, which is still pretty viable because there are a lot of stuff like Bongo Bopper and Bannerboar that work with the end-of-turn effects, so Chargla is nice to have but don’t consider him the bread and butter of your build because the Turbo Hogrider is still the star in the current meta.

Pokey Thornmantle

Pokey Thronmantle has been nerfed several times before Season 8/9 but still has his place in the game meta. If you see him, especially early on in the game, you should definitely get him as this will probably win you the game or at least put you in the first 3 spots. Later on, his ability becomes a bit slow but if can buff him up and keep him on the field, he just might survive long enough to buff those gems up.

Tier 7 Quilboar 

Sanguine Champion

sanguine champion

Sanguine Champion, as far as Tier 7 minions are concerned is a fine Quilboar Hearthstone minion. However, the fact that his ability scales as turns pass and the fact that he is Tier 7, makes this unit pretty obsolete. 

Image Credits: Blizzard Entertainment, Hearthstone

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