Elemental Tribe in Hearthstone Battlegrounds

hearthstone battlegrounds elemental cover

Welcome to this short Hearthstone Elemental tribe quick minion guide. We will try to be brief here as we have already covered Hearthstone Battlegrounds meta builds and elemental comps in our guide. In this article, you will find all Elemental minions explained and tips for each of them. As you all know, the usage of many minions in HS can be very situational, but we will try to cover the overall usefulness of them and general guidelines for each Elemental minion. 

Tavern Tier 1 Elemental Minions 

Molten Rock

Molten Rock

Molten Rock is probably the first Elemental that you will see in Bob’s Tavern. Although he is cheap, the unit is pretty much useless – the fact that it doesn’t have any kind of Divine Shield, Taunt, or Reborn combined with the stat boost of just +1 Health for each Elemental means that this unit will probably have 3/5 after few turns, and even that if you are lucky. Generally speaking, low-level elemental units in HS BG are not a good option so you should opt for another minion on this tier. 

Refreshing Anomaly

refreshing anomaly HS BG

Refreshing Anomaly is another Tier 1 Elemental minion in Battlegrounds that doesn’t really do much. Sure, the usage of it can be really situational and he is useful on higher tiers – especially if you pair it with Shudderwock’s power for example. Other than that, buying this elemental on low tier just so that you can assemble elemental comp is not a viable strategy and you should avoid it. 

Tavern Tier 2 Elemental Minions 

Crackling Cyclone

Crackling Cyclone

Crackling Cyclone is, besides Elemental of Surprise, your only Elemental with Divine Shield. This means that pretty much this will be your core survivability minion if you decide to go for Elementals early on. Having 5/1 on Tier 2 is pretty strong, considering his Divine Shield. Furthermore, you can easily buff him up with various spells or hero powers. 

Party Elemental

Party Elemental

Although Party Elemental looks like a tempo minion, it really is not. Giving +2/+1 for every Elemental played is something that can be beneficial but only to a certain degree, this should not be your main stat boost. If you are opting for a full Hearthstone Elemental build, you should focus on getting other key minions, not buffing up random low-level ones. 



Sellemental is one of those minions that has huge versatility in terms of usage – it can be an economy minion but you can use it as a tempo minion once you get Rock Rock and/or Recycling Wrath. Standing at 3/3, this Elemental Minion in Hearthstone Battlegrounds is pretty useful and is a good option to go for early on. 

Bountiful Bedrock

Bountiful Bedrock

Bountiful Bedrock is more of an economy minion than an Elemental one. There are several Elemental minions that can give useful Battlecry abilities and Bountiful Bedrock is a good minion to have if you have space on board in order to get those more useful minions. After a couple of turns, he becomes obsolete and you should replace him with something more useful. 

Tavern Tier 3 Elemental Minions

Fiery Felblood

Fiery Felblood

Another Elemental minion that has a variety of usages is Fierly Felblood. Not only that his Deathrattle ability is useful for Hearthstone Elementals, but it is also one of the core units in Mech builds in HS BG as well as Demon builds. If you see this minion early, you should get it no matter what you are planning to go for later on – especially if both Mechs and Demons are in play. 

Slimy Felblood

slimy felblood

Slimy Felblood is minion added in Season 7 of HS Battlegrounds. The synergy that he has with other Elemental tribe minions is weak, and overall, he is more useful in Demon builds, especially the ones focusing on Bat. Getting +2 Defense as a Battlecry is not really worth 3 gold unless you are really early in the game and you get him. That being said, his power as well as Fiery Felbloods is considerably stronger if you obtain a Lesser Trinket Felblood Portrait. If you have just one Fiery Felblood you should probably go for this trinket as it will buff up your Tavern minions pretty quick. 

Sleeping Sea Glass

Sleeping Sea Glass

Sleeping Sea Glass is a brand new, HS BG Season 8 minion that can be either totally useless or a game-changer. This minion is not to be bought early on; however, once you Tavern is buffed up, you should get it, keep it on board until you can get a triple and utilize his defensive abilities. Try to double only one of the stats every time as you will get more in total (don’t buff Attack on one, defense on other and defense or attack on triple, focus on just one). 

Tavern Tier 4 Elemental Minions

Lil Rag

Lil Rag

An old face in HS BG Season 8 is Lil Rag. This guy makes a comeback and has the same use as he had before – he is to be paired with Recycling Wrath in order to gain as many stat buffs per turn as you can. Note that his buffs are rather weak since you won’t be playing that many elementals early on – but in the late game phases, Lil Rage can scale quiet a bit. 

Feisty Freshwater

Feisty Freshwater

Feisty Freshwater is another brand new minion that is pretty useful in Battlegrounds duos. This thing basically gives you and your teammate 2 gold per turn as you will get 2 free Refreshes each turn (providing that it dies). It’s a nice tempo minion to have, especially in mid-game while you are searching for your key minions. 

Living Azerite

Living Azerite

Living Azerite is an Elemental tribe minion in HS that focuses solely on his own tribe and synergy with Tavern Spells. That being said, this synergy is a bit weak at the moment since other builds are much faster and provide more tempo and survivability than Living Azerite does. If you can get it early on, it will provide some sustain (if you can also get some cheap spells as well) but overall, don’t rely on this one too much unless you have the Greater Trinket Portrait of his. 

Wildfire Elemental

Wildfire Elemental

Wildfire Elemental is the only source of Cleave in Elemental tribe in HS Battlegrounds and that’s why he is a must later on. Generally speaking, you will need a lot of space and sustain while you buff up your Elementals so you don’t need to get him early on – but later, you will need Wildfire Elemental on the left-most position as your main offensive power, especially if you can triple him with Elemental of Surprise. 

Land Lubber

Land Lubber

Land Lubber has been changed so many times in previous months, that we lost count of all the changes that this minion has gone through. Currently, he is an okey-ish minion that does provide some versatility to the board early on, especially if you combine it with Living Azerite. That being said, this synergy is kinda slow now and you should avoid him unless you are in early-mid game. 

Recycling Wrath

recycling wraith

Recycling Wraith is your key minion for every Elemental tribe comp, hands down. The versatility that he offers is unique, especially if you can make him golden. Just by combining Recycling Wraith and Sellemental you will be getting at least 2 free refreshes (4 if he is golden) and that alone should cover the initial cost. 

Tavern Tempest

tavern tempest

Similarly to Sellemental, Tavern Tempest is a minion that will work well with buy/sell mechanics and especially with Refresh abilities that Recycling Wraith has. He is always a good option to go for as he pretty much costs just one gold (if you sell both him and the random one that you get from Tempest’s Battlecry ability). Paired with Bran, he becomes free so you should consider using him even if you don’t have Elemental comp and simply want to boost your economy a bit. 

Tavern Tier 5 Elemental Minions

Moss of the Schloss

Moss of the Schloss

Moss of the Schloss is … messy. The name perfectly describes what this minion does – he can be a game changer or he can be pretty useless. Since he is Tavern Tier 5, you should not get him unless you have a full comp of Elementals and you are just lacking one (and you are confident that one of your higher stat minions will die first). 

Flourishing Frostling

Flourishing Frostling

The whole point of most elemental comps is to buy/sell many elementals in order to buff them up. Flouring Frostling is a great addition to this mechanic as his ability is not Battlecry-triggered so he will get buffed up as your army does as well. If you are committing to elementals in mid-game, he is a must-have on your board in late game phases.

Transmuted Bramblewitch

Transmuted Bramblewitch

One of our all-favorite scam minions, Transmuted Bramblewitch, apart from his cool name, has an amazing ability to pretty much one-shot whatever he hits. Unless you are facing Beast or Undead army, this minion is always useful and you can get him no matter what stage of the game you are in. 

Tavern Tier 6 Elemental Minions

Elemental of Surprise

elemental of suprise

Elemental of Surprise is the second Divine Shield option in Elemental tribe that you can go for. Getting him alone won’t change much, but considering that Elemental of Surprise is a late-stage minion, you will probably either have a buffed-up board of Elementals or buffed-up Elementals in Tavern (meaning that he will have higher stats). Whatever the case is, tripling, buffing, and providing Divine Shield is a great thing to do and you should definitely search for this minion. 

Rock Rock

rock rock

One of the key minions in most Elemental builds, Rock Rock offers both defensive and offensive capabilities to your army of Elementals. Obtaining him early is the key to buffing up your board and should be your priority (as well as getting Recycling Wraith so that you can utilize Rock Rock’s ability even further). 

Image Credits: Blizzard Entertainment, Hearthstone

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